Reality, the Universe, God, events and circumstances are Mind, all beings are Mind, and Mind is Reality, an all pervading mirror-like lucid Awareness of Pure Being without identity. Reality, Mind and individual beings are non dual. Living beings are at the same time individual and indivisible from each other and the totality of Pure Being, the nature of Reality but without any personal or separate identity. Since this is so, you, as an all pervading lucid Awareness ‘unconsciously’ or ‘unknowingly’ think, talk and act everything into being in your field of experience which is your life. Once this is understood and, above all, realized, you can consciously and intentionally think, talk and act everything into being in your field of experience. Eventually and ultimately, by realizing that you are Mind, Reality, an all pervading mirror-like identityless Awareness as an ongoing uninterrupted experience, you will know the ‘Truth that sets you free’ from illusion-like birth and death, suffering and frustration.