Sessions III

28 September 2018

9.30-10.30 Plenary 3 (K. Jensen) room 104


Section 1 room 309

Meaningful memories. (Re-)organizing memories from the humanist archives

Chair: Annet den Haan (University of Aarhus)

Maren Rohde Pihlkjær, University of Aarhus, Changing memory through new translations. Reorganizing the conception of democracy

Trine Arlund Hass, Danish Academy/University of Aarhus, Remembering Caesar. The organization of Erasmus Laetus’ biography of Gaius Julius Caesar in Romanorum Cæsares Italici (Frankfurt am Main 1574)

Anders Kirk Borggaard, University of Aarhus, Constructing Christian. Creating a memory through the transformation of Classical and Biblical literature

Section 2 room 312

Organising information II

Chair: Lorenzo Amato, University of Tokyo/Lamemoli

Sofie Kluge, University of Southern Denmark, The library of Don Quixote. Labyrinths of information in Renaissance Spain

Gottskálk Jensson, University of Copenhagen/University of Iceland, Arngrímur Jónsson (1568–1648) and the library of Northern antiquities

Tua Korhonen, University of Helsinki, Manuel Moschopoulos’ Περὶ σχεδῶν (1545) and other Greek prints in the library of the Royal Academy of Turku (Finland)

Section 3 room 313

Libraries as objects of prestige

Chair: Patrizia Carmassi (HAB, Wolfenbüttel)

Mattias Ekman, University of Oslo, Co-locating the library with the Kunstkammer. Princely suites of learning in Gottorf, Copenhagen and Stockholm in the mid-seventeenth century

Organising books II

Mari-Liisa Varila, University of Turku, Scribal strategies of organising text and information in manuscript copies of sixteenth-century printed books

Organising information III

Eirik Arff Gulseth Bøhn, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, "Without order and at random”. Jacopo Manilli’s 1650 guidebook to the Villa Borghese



Section 1 room 309

Organising information IV

Chair: Irene Ceccherini (Bodleian Library, Oxford)

Britt-Marie Karlsson, University of Gothenburg, Hélisenne de Crenne popularizing Virgil’s Aeneid in sixteenth-century France

David Hasberg Zirak-Schmidt, Aarhus University, Truth? Memory, amnesia, and historical knowledge in All is True

15.30-16.30 Project presentations room 309

16.30-17.30 Closing of the congress room 104