
Our data collection and research journey

Our quest started with a 2015 New Zealand research project to interview Enabling Good Lives (EGL) participants in order to demonstrate the basic tenets of EGL. The project was funded by EGL. Subsequently, more interviews were carried out with funding from Te Pou and Manawanui in Charge. Their interviews highlighted the following EGL principles:

EGL Christchurch demonstration interview

Dr. Annick Janson carried out the above interviews with EGL participants. Their interviews feature, along with others, on the EGL website https://www.enablinggoodlives.co.nz/good-life-stories (Left screenshot)

EGL participants’ stories grew in popularity with families who increasingly wanted to hear from peer families. 

Also in, we ran the 2015 Storytelling project funded by Te Pou and Manawanui in Charge (paper on the right) added new dimensions to the original findings.

Collected stories were analysed thematically, revealing four main themes: 

1. Building natural supports and networks (including the 1.2 subsection “A voice for the unheard”) 

2. Mobility and technology

3. Home of one's own

4. Productivity. 

Where people elected to tell their stories on video, their stories were included in playlists representing the above themes are displayed in the screenshot 1 below. Following the double consent process, participants’ video interviews were uploaded to a YouTube channel as a resource for the disability sector and integrated within stories collected using the same methodology in previous years. Screenshot 1 below shows the original interview list, combined with additional materials organised into learning themes.

2015 Janson Stories that Build Leadership in the Disability Sector FINAL copy.pdf

Stories were thematically analysed to extract the active ingredients of successful planning. 

Some of these stories can be accessed at: http://tinyurl.com/disability-peer-learning

These elements were then embedded in the Supported Planning prototype through a wider positive psychology framework. 

This framework indeed strengthened participants’ self-directed planning capacity, which was determined core to aspirational goal setting by the EGL demonstrations evaluations.

More details and Information about the following milestones in our timeline are on other pages of this website:

2019: Collaboration with Dr. Simon Duffy, Citizen Network to embed the Citizenship Framework into the Supported Planning processes

2020: Collaboration with Maori colleagues to co-design our program elements.

2022: Testing the Citizenship Framework with youth groups.