Social Development Professions

Prof Veonna Goliath (Head of Department)

Welcome to the class of 2023. You chose a study direction that will require you to balance your compassionate, caring heart with a deeply critical mind. Frowning at social injustices is not enough; you have to be passionate about wanting to change the structural inequalities that characterise our deeply divided society.

As a social work student, you will register with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) from your second year of study. As you get ready for registration as a first-year student, apply for a Police Clearance Certificate at your local South African Police Station, as well as clearance from the National Child Protection Register with the Department of Social Development. This is required by law, in order to do volunteer and internship work with children.

We look forward to getting to know you and journeying the next four years with you. Rest assured that we will guide you on every step of the way.