New Media Pedagogy 2024
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Institute of Education
The aim of the conference is to contribute to the global discussion on the directions of media pedagogy.
The intensity of the transformations taking place with regard to the implementation of ICTs in education requires us to consider the current research directions on the use of new media in education.
The conference aims to introduce researchers from all over the world to the ways in which new media can be used effectively by stakeholders in K12 education and university education (with a particular focus on the training of future pedagogical staff).
The following panels - thematic areas - are planned for the conference:
1. Teachers education in the information society
· Teacher education programmes in an era of widespread digitisation
· Digital competence of future and current teachers
· The role of universities in training staff for the digital school
2. Digitally-enhanced didactics
· Pedagogical innovation using ICT
· E-learning, blended learning, crisis e-learning
· Digital didactic means, methods, and forms
· Open Educational Resources
3. Digital inclusion and exclusion
· Minimisation of the digital divide
· Strengthening digital competences in different age and social groups
· Sustainable development of the information society
4. The identity of media pedagogy
· Theoretical foundations of media pedagogy
· Research methodology on the use of ICT in education
· Research programmes focusing on the digitisation of education
5. Projects supporting digitisation of education
· Examples of good practice
· New directions in the digitalisation of education
· Cooperation between schools and the IT business
6. Artificial intelligence in education
· Constructive use of AI in the teaching and learning process
· AI and risks
The conference was initiated as a result of projects REMEDIS (NCN co-funding - CHANSE network) and Visegrad Fund (project ID 22410207).
Link to NMP 2022 conference -> click here
Link to NMP 2023 conference -> click here
All articles that receive a positive reviews will be published in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Springer series (Scopus indexing).
Link to the previous book:
“Author instructions” at
Scientific Conference Board
Michał Apollo - University of Silesia, Poland
Małgorzata Bogunia-Borowska - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Cesar Alberto Collazos - Universidad del Cauca, Colombia
Ludvik Eger - University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Maria Amelia Eliseo - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil
Francisco David Guillen-Gamez - Univeristy of Malaga, Spain
Nataliia Demeshkant - Pedagogical University, Poland
Valeria Farinazzo-Martins - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil
Laura Fedeli - University of Macerata, Italy
Ismar Frango Silveira - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil
Akhmad Habibi - University of Jambi, Indonesia
Anna Gaweł - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Leen d'Haenens - KU Leuven, Belgium
Agnieszka Iwanicka - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Vicente J. Llorent - Cordoba University, Spain
Pierpaolo Limone - Pegaso University, Rome
Anthi Karatrantou - University of Patras, Greece
Therese Keane - La Trobe University, Australia
Janina Kostkiewicz - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Bård Ketil Engen - Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Michał Klichowski - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Daniel Mara - „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania
Gemma Martinez - Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
Maria Lidia Mascia - University of Sassari, Italy
Haris Memisevic - Sarajevo University, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Regina Motz - Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Anders D. Olofsson - Umeå University, Sweden
Julio Ruiz Palmero - Malaga University (Innoeduca), Spain
Piotr Plichta - University of Wroclaw, Poland
Katarzyna Potyrała - Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Jacek Pyżalski - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Roberta Renati - University of Cagliari, Italy
Hasan Saliu - AAB University, Kosovo
Natale Salvatore Bonfiglio - University of Cagliari, Italy
Elma Selmanagić-Lizde - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fazilat Siddiq - University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Francisco Simões - CIS-IUL - Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção Social (ECSH), Portugal
Piotr Siuda - Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Siri Sollied Madsen - UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Solomon Sunday Oyelere - Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Lazar Stošić - FAMNS, Serbia
Arthur Tatnall - Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Łukasz Tomczyk - Jagiellonian University, Poland - Chair of the Scientific Board
Hüseyin Uzunboylu - Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus
Natalia Walter - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Michał Wierzchoń - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Ewa Ziemba - University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
The Technical Program Committee
TPC Chair: Łukasz Tomczyk PhD - Jagiellonian University, Poland
TPC members:
Karina Blamowska - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Izabela Kielar - Jagiellonian University, Poland
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Registration is possible only via the eform - Registration closed on 10.XI.2024
The submission requires only the title of the speech and keywords.
Each registered speaker will receive a named certificate confirming their participation in the conference.
Registration deadline: 10 November 2024
Publication of the conference programme: 15 November 2024
Event date: 28 - 29 November 2024
Date of sending certificates to event participants: 5 December 2024
Deadline for submission of articles for review: 15 January 2025
Template for preparing an article - download here
Keynote speaker NMP24: Prof. Leen d'Haenens (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Title of the conference opening lecture: From Research to Impact: Harmonizing Stakeholder and Project Goals in Media Literacy Interventions
Leen d'Haenens is a Full Professor and Chair of the Media Culture & Policy Lab at KU Leuven. Her research focuses on audience analysis, and media-democracy intersections, young people and (social) media use, with a focus on vulnerable youth with a migration background. She combines quantitative and qualitative methods in multi-site comparisons in migration research. She is editor of Communications (De Gruyter) and associate editor of The International Communication Gazette (Sage). She is a member of the Euromedia Research Group.