
 The Scholarship:

Class of 2024

A one time scholarship of $10,000. The funds are to be used for tuition, books, lodging, and/or meals at the institution of higher education of the recipient’s choice.  The funds will go directly to the college or university that the recipient plans to attend.  To be considered for this scholarship, the applicant must submit a completed application by April 6, 2024, in their senior year.  An Advisory Selection Committee will decide the winner. The scholarship will be awarded at MHS senior awards ceremony in the spring. 

Applicant Qualifications:

Application Process:

Check List:

✔️ Arranged for two (2) MHS teachers to fill out Teacher Recommendation form

✔️ Arranged for one additional recommendation

✔️Complete Application Below - the google form HERE OR the paper copy below

✔️Upload transcript

✔️Upload two (2) essays specified in the application form

✔️Signed and dated application

✔️Submitted application by April 6.