Call for Papers

Call for Papers: by May 7, 2021

Upload your submissions to:


This workshop aims to promote innovative NLP research that will positively impact society, specifically focusing on proactive and responsible methods and new applications. We will encourage submissions from areas including (but not limited to):

Call for Reviewers: We need more reviewers. Please feel free to apply through this Google Form if you'd like to be our reviewer. The workload is 1~2 papers during May 7-28, 2021 (tentative).

Important dates

Paper Submissions Due: May 7, 2021 (extended from April 26)

Notification of Acceptance: May 28, 2021

Camera-Ready Papers Due: June 7, 2021

Workshop: August 5, 2021

All deadlines are 11:59PM Anywhere on Earth time

Please check this page later for more updates.

Author Guidelines

Submissions should be 4-8 pages of content and unlimited references, and must use the ACL 2021 style template. There is no length limit for supplementary materials or appendices. Upon acceptance, authors will be allowed up to 9 pages.

You can submit original research work or a summary of research activities done in the direction of NLP for Positive Impact. You can present original completed work, a case study, a negative result, an opinion piece, or an interesting application nugget. 

The review process will be double-blinded. Submissions must not identify authors or their affiliations, or otherwise they will be desk-rejected. 

Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop by either oral presentations or posters determined by the program committee.

Archival, non-archival, and multiple submissions policy

For archival process, authors must state clearly in the submission site whether they wish this work to be archival on the ACL anthology or non-archival. Only work that is not submitted to other venues can be eligible for archive.  If the work has been previously accepted to another venue, please provide the name of that venue, and note that you can only opt for non-archival. The acceptance information at other venues will be treated as confidential during the review process.

Some more details on multiple submissions:

Special requirement if your paper is to appear at ACL 2021 main conference (or Findings):

Ethical and societal implications

Each submission should discuss the ethical and societal implications of the work. We encourage authors to also include a discussion of what "positive impact" means to them or to the field of NLP. We encourage authors to include this discussion into the intro/body of their paper, but will also allow an additional "Ethical and societal implications" section that does not count towards the page limit (similar to the ACL "ethics" sections).

Anonymity period / double-blind reviewing

Note, we do not have an anonymity deadline, so you are free to post your paper submission online / on preprint servers at any time. We simply ask that you are thoughtful about publicizing/posting your submission so that it minimizes the chances of compromising the double-blind reviewing process. For example, avoid tagging your arXiv paper as a submission to NLP4PositiveImpact, or avoid posting your paper right before or right after the submission deadline (those are just guidelines, not hard rules).


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Maarten Sap at or Zhijing Jin at