3rd Workshop on
NLP for Positive Impact

EMNLP 2024

(In line with the NLP for Social Good Initiative)

Call for Papers

Submission Channel 1: ARR

We align our paper acceptance with ARR cycles:

Submission Channel 2: Direct Submission

Shared Timeline for Both Channels

All deadlines are 11:59 PM (Anywhere on Earth)

Invitation for Paper Submissions

The widespread and indispensable use of language-oriented AI systems presents new opportunities to have a positive social impact. NLP technologies are starting to mature to the point where they could have an even broader impact, supporting the UN sustainability goals by helping to address big problems such as poverty, hunger, healthcare, education, inequality, COVID-19 and climate change. 

Our workshop aims to promote innovative NLP research that will positively impact society, focusing on responsible methods and new applications. We will encourage submissions from areas including (but not limited to): 

Submission types:

We would appreciate to see various types of works on this (but not only) topic like:

Our author guidelines follow exactly the ARR requirement, as submitted articles need to first be reviewed by ARR, and then commit to our workshop with a short explanation in the commitment page of why the work fits the theme of NLP for Positive Impact. We welcome both short papers (up to 4 pages) and long papers (up to 8 pages). Note that we want submissions to our workshop to have some distinctive features of social good implications, beyond a general paper on NLP. We will require each submission to discuss the ethical and societal implications of their work, and encourage a discussion of what "positive impact" means in the work.  


Dr. Veronica Perez-Rosa (University of Michigan)

Eva Pannewick (Women Help Women)

Organizing Committee

Dr. Daryna Dementieva (Technical University of Munich)

Prof Oana Ignat (Santa Clara University)

Zhijing Jin (Max Planck Institute & ETH Zürich)

Prof Rada Mihalcea (University of Michigan)

Giorgio Piatti (ETH Zürich)

Prof Steven Wilson (Oakland University)


For questions and sponsorship, feel free to contact us at nlp4pi.workshop@gmail.com.


We would be happy to see the participant of our workshop in person in Miami. To make it possible, please, fill in the form to request an invitation letter to support your visa application.

What Is the Yearly Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact?

In our workshop, we aim to connect social needs and the power of NLP. Our missions are