First Workshop on NLP for Music and Audio

October 16, 2020 | Montreal

co-located with ISMIR'2020

Check the CFP of the 2024 edition 

>>> Check the Proceedings here <<<

The workshop will be held on October 16th and 17th 2020. All presentations will be live on the 16th and streamed on the 17th. Posters Q&A sessions will be live on both days.

Make sure to check out the list of Invited Speakers and the Program of the workshop. 

Check out the videos of the Workshop in our YouTube channel

Time-Zone Friendly Schedule 

Agenda (October 16th, UTC-4):

Opening + Keynote 1 (8-9:10AM UTC-4)

What can MIR learn from transfer learning in NLP?. Colin Raffel (UNC at Chapel Hill / Google Brain)

Video Playlists: Youtube | Bilibili

Industry Session 1A (11AM-12PM UTC-4)

Keynote 2 (12:30-1:30PM UTC-4)

Video Playlists: Youtube | Bilibili

Industry Session 2A (3:30-4:30PM UTC-4)
