- Weekly Events -




9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship Service

1st Wednesday of each month

5:00 - 7:00 pm - Caring Closet


Celebrate Recovery

5:30 - Celebration Meal

6:00 pm - Large Group Meeting

7:00 pm - Open Share Groups

1st Saturday of each month

10:00 am - Noon - Caring Closet




9:00 am Daybreak Cafe

9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship Service

10:45 am Kid's Church, for ages 5-12 (Every week except the first Sunday of each month)

6:00 pm Prayer Team


6:00 pm Ignite Youth Ministry 

(10th-12th grade)


5:30 pm Family Table

(during school year)

6:30 pm AWANA

(during school year)

6:30 pm Ignite Youth Ministry (7th-9th Grade)

7:00 pm Worship & Prayer 

Worship with us!

Come worship with us in-person or by livestream Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Backup Livestream 1 - Backup Livestream 2

If you'd like to view or listen to one of our past services, you can check them out on our media page.

New Life Church is part of  the world-wide Nazarene denomination with almost 2 million people joining together in serving Jesus Christ and proclaiming His gospel message.