DIY Preset

Create your own NKS library and share it with other users. It is a bit of work, but you can do it.

A Komplete package contains the following files:

  • Database files
  • Image files
  • Preset files
  • Preview files

The database and image files improve the browsing experience.

Database files

To create these files you need to establish:

  • plug-in name: this has to be the exact name of the vst (lookup the vst, or load the vst in Komplete Kontrole and see how it is named)
  • vendor name: this is the name of the vendor. It can be freely chosen (abbreviation or not), but stick to one way of writing it.
  • product name: this can be chosen freely. Often it makes sense to use the name for the plug-in, but it can also be the name of a library for the plug-in (see for instance Kontakt libraries). Again, stick to one way of writing it.

The database files are located at (you can make a copy a folder from another plug-in and modify it):

Windows: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NI Resources\dist_database

MAC: /Users/Shared/NI Resources/dist_database


  • Create a folder named with the product name.
  • Within that folder you add 1 Json file. The easiest way is to download the example file and modify there contents (you can use any regular texteditor):
    • color.json (sets the background color for the name or logo of the plug-in)
  • Create a folder named after the vendor with a subfolder named after the product)
  • Within that folder you add 3 Json files. The easiest way is to download the example files and modify there contents (you can use any regular texteditor):
    • categories.json : this contains the name of the vendor, plug-in and the type of plug-in. You can use the folowing categories:
      • Creative Effects
      • Studio Effects
      • Synthesizers
      • Drums & Percussion
      • Sampled Instruments.
    • color.json (sets the background color for the name or logo of the plug-in, this is an exact copy of the file that you added in the first folder). For some reason both are needed.
    • shortname.json (for the different screens the short-name for the plug-in to be used)

Image files

These files are used for nice presentations in the browsers (Komplete Kontrol or Maschine).

Here you will use the plug-in name, product name and vendor name as well, see paragraph for Database files above.

The image files are located at (you can make a copy a folder from another plug-in and modify it):

Windows: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NI Resources\image

MAC: /Users/Shared/NI Resources/image


  • Create folder named after the plug-in (this has to be the exact name of the vst)
  • Create folder named after the vendor with a subfolder named after the product
  • Within both folders you have to create several image files. The easiest way is to download the example files, and modify them with an image editor (for instance GIMP):
    • MST_Artwork.png : thumbnail that appears in the on-screen overlay plug-in list, when not using hardware browsing.
    • MST_logo.png : shows on the right screen as a background image (MKII, often a company logo, create as transparent png)
    • MST_plugin.png : image in the plug-in panel, and on the left screen switched to plugin view (MKII).
    • OSO_logo.png : plugin name in the on-screen overlay, after selecting a plug-in in the filter list (when transparent, the background colour set in color.json is used for the background color)
    • VB_Artwork.png : in the browser view on the left in the plug-in list.
    • VB_logo.png : plugin name that appears in software browser after selecting the plug-in in the filter list (when transparent, the background colour set in color.json is used for the background color).


  • Download images from the vendor website and use those by resizing them.
  • Open the plug-in and make a screenshot and use it for the images.
  • The logo files should be transparent. This can easily be done with GIMP, but other image editors as well. Kymeia has shared examples in Affinity Photo and Photoshop formats with separate layers, that you can use to create the png files:

Preset files

These are the actual files used for browsing. It is important to create the template files first. The template files have all the controls assigned and contain the general information (both editable and none editable information, like bank and sub banks.) Then use these template files to save all the presets and give them the appropriate tags.


Create a master template file

    • Open Komplete Kontrol or Maschine
    • Open the plug-in:
      • select the drop-down menu (knob with the arrow down, next to the magnifying glass in Komplete Kontrol)
      • Select in the submenu Instrument the plug-in
    • Assign all the controls. I recommend the following general rules:
      • first: performance or filter settings ( and, if possible, filter envelope), because that is generally the first thing someone would like to modify while playing
      • second: Amp envelope and settings
      • third: the oscillator settings
      • fourth: effects
      • Furthermore: modulation and other settings
    • Save the file as template:
      • Drop down menu File - Save As
    • Using your file system, create copies of the file for each bank an subbank You can find the saved template at the location of the user library, within the folder that is named after the plug-in. Default this is at the following location:
      • WIN: C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Native Instruments\User Content
      • MAC: Users/[USER]/Documents/Native Instruments/User Content

Edit the non editable

See here how. If you have already created many preset files, don't worry, the tool can modify them all at once.

Create the preset files

    • Now reopen Komplete Kontrol or Maschine
    • Using the appropriate template, save each preset. Tips:
      • Use the default tags. Try to avoid to add new tags. If you can't restrain yourself, only add tags that follow the system of NI (Only use Type tags for the type of instrument that it sounds like (so avoid things like "Ethnic world" or "Arp/sequence", because that is not a type of instrument, and especcially the last one is something you would use the Mode tag for). Use Modes only for the way the sound is produced, like monophonic or polyphonic, arpegiated, subtractive, physical modelling, PCM, etc. And not for the type of instrument (so don't add things like "Keys" or "Guitar" in Mode, because that is already part of Type!)
      • If the plug-in has already categorized them, use the filter options within the plug-in to select a certain category. Then save the first preset and give it the appropriate tags. Then reload the modified preset from you NKS browser and select the following sounds and save them. This way they will all have the same tags as the first sound.
      • Use automation software to automate repetitive tasks ( for instance keyboard maestro)
    • If you like, you can reorganize the sounds in sub folders

Add previews

If you like, you can add previews for each sound: a short soundbyte of the preset. You can create them by recording a short phrase of some notes and save them as an .ogg file, with the same name as the preset.