Neosho Junior High BandS

Message From The Teachers

We are looking forward to beginning a new year and looking forward to all the great music we will make together! Band and music in general, can be a great outlet for many students as well as a place for some to really excel in an activity. I want your child to enjoy band and realize that music making doesn't just happen in a classroom. During the pandemic many musicians shared with the world, on platforms such as youtube, what they have been working on. Videos of communities singing from their balconies demonstrated the power of music in our everyday lives and for relief in times of stress. We will strive to keep music in our lives during these rapidly changing times. ~ Mrs. Gorman

Students will be able to access this site and practice with it at home for normal daily practice and if we are not able to meet together in person. I have also uploaded many tutorials (organized by instrument) for students to enjoy.

NJH Band Schedule

NJH Band Schedule 2021-22

Even though concerts may look different this year please mark these dates and times. If we are not able to have an audience or meet in person it is my goal to still provide a performance experience for our young musicians. And to find a way to share it with an audience. Please continue to notify me of any scheduling conflicts.

Parent Information

Contact Information

Junior High Band, Erica Gorman

417 847 3136

Middle School Band, Matthew Robertson

(417) 451-8650