Nizamniwala Village

About Nizamniwala

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Fatehpur village is 036197 . Fatehpur village is located in Samana Tehsil of Patiala district in Punjab, India. It is situated 26km away from sub-district headquarter Samana and 26km away from district headquarter Patiala. As per 2009 stats, Fatehpur village is also a gram panchayat
The total geographical area of village is 483 hectares. Fatehpur has a total population of 1,488 peoples. There are about 283 houses in Fatehpur village. Samana is nearest town to Fatehpur.

  1. Total Population: 1,488

  2. Male Population: 787

  3. Female Population: 701

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Gram Panchayat

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