To address this problem using the BELIEF system we first need to state our facts and problem. Facebook is aiming to expand into China, however, due to the vast cultural and geopolitical factors involved the path is unclear. With obvious stakeholders being the Meta (Facebook’s parent company) corporation and the People’s Republic of China, the most relevant factor is the massive changes Facebook would be required to make to appease China’s government. This may include content restrictions and ways for the Chinese government to access their constituents' information. This reveals other governments are stakeholders because if China has access to people’s information through Facebook the possibility of a security breach increases exponentially. 

One option to solve this problem would be to give into China’s demands and allow restrictions or permissions they deem necessary. However, this fails the publicity, mom, defensibility, and harm tests. This would be a disaster solution. Another solution would be to negotiate with China to release their restrictions and allow expansion. However, this solution fails the “golden rule," professional, and peer tests. Finally, the solution with the most feasibility would be to compromise and give China its restrictions but isolate it from the rest of the world. Guarantee mutual security by preventing direct communication between powers. China would have its entire version of Facebook. While this solution isn’t ideal in practice it has the potential to allow Facebook to expand without compromising all relevant stakeholders.