Singing Songs -

Grades 4th - 6th Songs

My Shot (lyrics) -MusExp V ?

Choral Warmup

Ear Training - Solfege

Tomorrow's Our Day -Lyrics -MK-8 V29-5

Stacatto Legatto Warmup

Fifty Nifty United States -lyrics

Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing- (Lyrics)-MusExpV. (Jazz)

Don't You Worry 'About a Thing -Lyrics & accomp only -MusExp V

You Can Fly - lyrics

Superalifragilisticexpialidocious -Lyrics

Kindergarten - 3rd grade songs

We're Swamped -lyrics -JJacobson

The Swamp Stomp (lyrics) -JJacobson

Just a Litle Tadpole -(lyrics)

Just a Little Tadpole -lyrics

Micky Mouse Mash up -Lyrics - MusExp V

Mickey Mouse Mash-up Choreog=MusExp

A Frog in Your Throat -lyrics

The Very Hungry Caterpillar -story animated