




If you are considering joining us from outside of TOHO university, please let us know first. We would like you to see the lab and determine if we can accommodate you. Our lab is quite small, especially when compared to larger labs at national universities, with limited equipment and personnel. However, as the faculty members are relatively young, the distance between students and faculty is closer than at other universities. I recently came across the notion of treating university as a subscription service, and since tuition is a fixed amount, you should make the most of what's available. The most valuable resource is the faculty's time and knowledge. Please make use of it.

Graduate students, whether in the master's program or not, are expected to act autonomously, including mentoring juniors. In other words, they can be considered as individuals who drive the lab forward. While rational behavior is expected, a certain degree of freedom is allowed. Furthermore, if research results are produced, we encourage active participation in conferences, including those held in remote locations, as long as the budget permits. Ultimately, we hope for international conference presentations and publication in academic journals. Presenting your research, especially in English, to an international audience is a way of making your name and research known to the world. We hope you get to experience the pride of finding your own research results online under your name in Roman letters.

We are also open to the possibility of accepting postdoctoral researchers, so please do not hesitate to contact us. However, it is generally necessary for you to secure various grants on your own.