1. Nitu Kumari and Nishith Mohan. "Cross diffusion induced Turing patterns in a tritrophic food chain model with Crowley-Martin functional response." Mathematics 7.3 (2019): 229.

  2. Nitu Kumari and Nishith Mohan. "Positive solutions and pattern formation in a diffusive tritrophic system with Crowley–Martin functional response." Nonlinear Dynamics 100 (1) 2020, 763-784

  3. Nishith Mohan, and Nitu Kumari. "Positive steady states of a SI epidemic model with cross diffusion." Applied Mathematics and Computation 410 (2021): 126423.

  4. Nishith Mohan. "Coexistence states of a Lotka Volterra cooperative system with cross diffusion." Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics (2021) 100072.

  5. Nitu Kumari and Nishith Mohan. "Coexistence in a ratio dependent predator prey model with nonlinear diffusion". Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (2021). 176 (1), 1-20.

  6. Nishith Mohan and Nitu Kumari "Turing Patterns in a Cross Diffusive System." International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Springer, Singapore, 2018.