Linear Programming & Combinatorial Optimization

Syllabus (topics covered in lectures + assignments):

  • Module-1: Introduction & Overview (2 weeks)
    Linear Programs (LPs) and Integer Linear Programs (ILPs); Formulating Combinatorial Optimization Problems as ILPs: Shortest Paths, Matchings, Set Cover & Vertex Cover; Relaxations

  • Module-2: Geometry & Convexity (1.5 weeks)
    Feasible Region of LPs & Polyhedra; Outcomes & Fundamental Theorem of LP; Convexity & Convex Combinations; Extreme Points; Convex Hulls & Polytopes

  • Module-3: Simplex & Certificates (2 weeks)
    Equivalence of LPs and Standard Equality Form; Dictionaries, Feasible Bases & Basic Feasible Solutions; Simplex Method via Dictionaries; Two Phase Simplex; Bland's Pivoting Rule; Certificates of Unboundedness & Infeasibility

  • Module-4: Duality (1.5 weeks)
    Certificate of Optimality;
    Weak Duality (WD), Strong Duality (SD) and their consequences; Writing the Dual; Complementary Slackness (CS) conditions and their geometric interpretation; Applications of CS; Farkas’ Lemma

  • Module-5: Primal-Dual Algorithms (4 weeks)
    Shortest Path: WD & CS; Primal-Dual algorithm
    Matchings: Finding Perfect Matchings: Egervary's Algorithm & Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm; Characterizations of the Perfect Matching Polytope; WD & CS; Primal-Dual algorithms for Minimum Cost Perfect Matching Problem: Hungarian Algorithm & Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm (Cost Version)
    Vertex Cover & Set Cover: LP relaxation and its dual; CS conditions; Primal-Dual Approximation algorithm

  • Module-6: Applications of Duality & Min-Max Theorems (2 weeks)
    Integrality of Polyhedra; Totally Unimodular Matrices; Max Flow Problem & its Integrality; Flows versus Cuts; Max-Flow Min-Cut (MFMC) Theorem; Incrementing Paths and the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm; Edmonds-Karp Algorithm (without time complexity analysis); MFMC Theorem proof via LP Duality; Konig-Egervary Theorem; Tutte-Berge Min-Max Formula/Theorem

Lecture Recordings:

  • Module-1: Introduction & Overview
    Lecture-1 (Admin & Logistical Matters; Basic Graph Theory Terminology; Matchings & Perfect Matchings)
    Lecture-2 (Matchings & Perfect Matchings; Min Cost Perfect Matching Problem; LPs & ILPs)
    Lecture-3 (Min Cost Perfect Matching Problem; thru the lens of Complexity Theory: NP & co-NP Certificates)
    Lecture-4 (Min Cost Perfect Matching; Bipartite Graphs; Hall's Theorem statement)
    Lecture-5 (P subset of NP intersection co-NP; Matchings & Augmenting Paths)
    Lecture-6 (Berge's Lemma and Maximum/Perfect Matching Algorithms; Paths versus Cuts)
    Lecture-7 (The Shortest Path Problem and its ILP Formulation)
    Lecture-8 (Shortest Path ILP versus Min Cost Perfect Matching ILP; st-Paths versus st-Cuts)

  • Module-2: Geometry & Convexity
    Lecture-9 (Feasible Region of LPs & Polyhedra; Feasible versus Infeasible LPs)
    Lecture-10 (Feasible LPs: "Optimal" versus Unbounded; Fundamental Theorem of LP)
    Lecture-11 (Line Segments, Convex Combinations & Convex Sets; Polyhedra are Convex)
    Lecture-12 (Extreme Points: Geometric & Algebraic Viewpoints)
    Lecture-13 (Convex Hulls & Polytopes; The Perfect Matching Polytope)

  • Module-3: Simplex & Certificates
    Lecture-14 (Equivalence of LPs; Standard Equality Form (SEF); Converting any LP into SEF LP)
    Lecture-15 (The Simplex Method via Dictionaries: an "Optimal" Example)
    Lecture-16 (Dictionaries; Feasible Bases & Basic Feasible Solutions)
    Lecture-17 (Canonical Forms versus Dictionaries; Transforming an LP into Canonical Form)
    Lecture-18 (Two Phase Simplex; Bland's Pivoting Rule; An Unbounded Example)
    Lecture-19 (Certificates of Unboundedness and Infeasibility; An Infeasible Example)
    Lecture-20 (A brief history of Linear Programming & the Simplex Method)

  • Module-4: Duality
    Lecture-21 (Establishing Bounds on the Optimal Value; Weak Duality (WD) and its proof for SEF LPs)
    Lecture-22 (Certificate of Optimality; Writing the Dual; WD & its consequences)
    Lecture-23 (Strong Duality (SD) & its consequences; SD --- proof & an example for SEF LPs)
    Lecture-24 (Complementary Slackness (CS) Conditions; CS Theorem --- proof & an example)
    Lecture-25 (CS example; Geometric Characterization of Optimality --- Cone of Tight Constraints)
    Lecture-26 (Proof of Geometric Characterization of Optimality; A computational application of CS)

  • Module-5: Primal-Dual Algorithms
    Lecture-27 (The Shortest Path Problem: ILP, LP relaxation and Dual; Combinatorial Interpretations of WD & CS)
    Lecture-28 (Designing a Primal-Dual Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem --- Example & Intuition)
    Lecture-29 (Basic Digraph terminology; Formalizing the Primal-Dual Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem)
    Lecture-30 (Recap: Berge's & Hall's results; Egervary's Algorithm for Bipartite Perfect Matching (PM) --- Intuition)
    Lecture-31 (Formalizing Egervary's Algorithm; Min Cost PM Problem: ILP, LP relaxation & Dual, WD & CS)
    Lecture-32 (Designing a Primal-Dual Algorithm for Min Cost Bipartite PM Problem --- Example & Intuition)
    Lecture-33 (Primal-Dual Algorithm for Min Cost Bipartite PM Problem --- Formalization & Time Complexity)
    Lecture-34 (Hungarian Algorithm for Min Cost Bipartite PM Problem --- Example, Formalization & Time Complexity)
    Lecture-35 (A brief history of Perfect Matching Characterization Theorems & Algorithms; Tutte's Theorem)
    Lecture-36 (Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm for Nonbipartite Perfect Matching --- Intuition & Examples)
    Lecture-37 (Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm --- A "Big" Example --- with multiple as well as nested blossoms)
    Lecture-38 (Formalizing Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm for Nonbipartite Perfect Matching)
    Lecture-39 (Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm: Time Complexity; Edmonds' Perfect Matching Polytope (PMP) Theorem)
    Lecture-40 (Edmonds' LP Formulation for PMP: WD & CS; Towards a Primal-Dual Algorithm for Min Cost PM)
    Lecture-41 (Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm for Nonbipartite Min Cost Perfect Matching: Intuition & Example)
    Lecture-42 (Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm Cost Version: Example continued, Issues & their Fixes)
    Lecture-43 (Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm Cost Version: Example continued, Formalization & Time Complexity)

  • Module-6: Applications of Duality & Min-Max Theorems
    Lecture-44 (Integrality of Polyhedra; Totally Unimodular (TU) Matrices)
    Lecture-45 (The Max Flow Problem and its Integrality)
    Lecture-46 (st-flows versus st-dicuts; Max-Flow Min-Cut (MFMC) Theorem statement)
    Lecture-47 (Incrementing Paths & the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm)
    (Auxiliary Digraphs; MFMC Theorem proof; Edmonds-Karp Algorithm; MFMC LP & its Dual)
    Lecture-49 (MFMC Theorem proof via LP Duality & Integrality; Konig-Egervary Theorem & Tutte-Berge Formula)
    Lecture-50 (Barriers; Essential versus Inessential vertices; Proof of the Tutte-Berge Formula/Theorem)