Have I mentioned how underwhelming I find the Henriad? Ok, good. This play has a lot going for it so in theory it has no right to be as forgettable as I think it is, but nothing about it really stays with me except for the French scene between Catherine and her maid, which is one of my favorite ever Shakespeare scenes.

If I had to pick out one Shakespeare play that I find the most frustrating, it would have to be Coriolanus. This play has the potential for greatness written all over it but it just misses the mark. The conflict that it sets up is SO compelling but it takes an agonizingly long time to get there (acts 1-3 are painful) and then the resolution is incredibly rushed. I just want to take this play by the shoulders and shake it until it sorts out its horrendous structure, because somewhere in there is a masterpiece that gives the seductive dynamic between Coriolanus and Aufidius ample time to breathe.

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If you want to warm up before Lear, so to speak, I think Macbeth and Othello are both more accessible and less strange structurally than Lear, but also whatever, Lear was like the 5th play I ever read and it became my favorite instantly.

Hahaha sorry to disappoint you re: Falstaff and Richard (I do like Richard a lot in 3H6 if that helps?). Falstaff I just find irritating! Though I warmed to him a LOT in Merry Wives, I do find that a genuinely funny play, whereas the comedic subplots in the Henries just put me to sleep.

I am so incredibly impressed that you managed to a) read all of Shakespeare and b) rank the plays. I have read shamefully little Shakespeare, have seen a bit more, am not in the slightest surprised that the one that sounds the most devastating is your favourite.

1979. Esme Allen is a well-known West End actress at just the moment when the West End is ceasing to offer actors a regular way of life. The visit of her young daughter, Amy, with a new boyfriend sets in train a series of events which only find their shape sixteen years later.

David Hare's new play, which mixes love, death, and the theatre in a heady and original way, was sold out at the National Theatre, and transferred to the West End in January 1998.

This is the definitive version of Amy's View.

In this fast-paced, sophisticated and hilarious play, a man contemplating suicide on a seventh-storey building ledge confronts the stories of the people who live inside the building. These "seven stories" lead to a charming and surprising ending. Cast of 2 women and 3 men.

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El piadoso veneciano (1599-1608) is a beautiful and tragic play of love and honour, situated in 16th century Venice. In that play, Lope de Vega emphasizes several Baroque aspects. Among these are plot elements (one attempted rape, one homicide in a duel, etc.), and metaphors emblematic of the Baroque mentality, such as doubt and disillusionment. This paper will analyze a few of the metaphors. First, we will examine metaphors which refer to Venice, such as the isle and the lagoon. Second, the paper will scrutinize the role of Lucinda who turns up for the date with Fulgencio, in a gondola, with her golden hair floating in the wind, as if she were a Venitian Venus. In this case, Lope could be inspired by some engravings of Giacomo Franco, and beautiful ladies painted by Tiziano. Taking into the account to the style, poetics, as well as the generic conventions of a typical Baroque play, this study will show that El piadoso veneciano is an accomplished Baroque drama of Lope de Vega worthy of further study. 2351a5e196

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