TL;DR - What reasons could an assassin's guild have for taking an assassination contract, but still be lawful good? Why would a king or other leader need to have a lawful good assassins guild to eliminate someone, rather than just have them killed publicly?

A year or two after the local rules had changed, the opening sequence of the book is occurring. Mister Protagonist is out in the streets of the city, on a new mission along with one or more of his fellow guild members. The general situation appears to be this: Ordering a legal assassination is expensive, and this world's most powerful man (hereafter called by the nickname "Local Tyrant") is the person who can most easily afford to hire the Guild, over and over, to go after any people who have angered him. Which means that, even as the assassins are kicking down the front door at the target's residence (or whatever their entry method is), an angry crowd of local residents gathers in the street nearby. These civilians take the position that the Guild is basically just the amoral hired thugs of the Local Tyrant, constantly at his beck and call to keep everyone else living in fear.

The Assassins Guild Earth Must Be Stopped


On the bloodsoaked feudal world of Neweden, the Hoorka assassins' guild has survived by adherence to a strict code of honor. Lethal killers, shadowy black-robed agents of destruction, they are pledged to give Fate a chance to free their victims from the claws of Hag Death.

Does the thieves guild make a difference for assassins? I used Naples to make spies & assassins and got a thieves guild but it might only help spies.Explorer guilds are very common but I was dumb enough in previous games to stick them everywhere and take the first offer that came along. What a noob eh...Has anybody got a list of all the possible guilds that can be obtained?

Then maybe we can have a look at the possible triggers to get them.-Love Gaius

TWH Seraph, TWH Grand Zinquisitor & Crazy Gaius the Banstick Kid

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Nelson was the typical Englishman: hot-headed, impetuous, unreliable, passionate, emotional & boisterous. Wellington was the typical Irishman: cold, reserved, calculating, unsentimental & ruthless" - George Bernard Shaw

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 HG Alumnus Superbus posted 05 February 2007 10:40 EDT (US) 20 / 33 Quote:

Yes, what you "build" or "recruit" in a given town or castle influences what you will get offered there.I always want at least one Theologian guild, preferably in the "back" or safe area of my empire. It allows me a specific place to recruit priests who will come out with a higher piety rating. This in turn allows you to "kill" heretics and witches easier when they infiltrate your lands, as well as increasing the chance that your priest will be promoted to a Cardinal and join the Preferati who decide who is Pope. It is very good to be able to influence who becomes the Pope. I have been able to ask for and receive Papal dispensation to begin crusades against my enemies because the Pope is one of my "own".I also want one town, more near the front lines, to be a center for Assassin training. I have been very successful in this effort and all my assassins now come out with at least 5 stars of experience immediately. In my castles I like to have a swordsmith guild as this increases my soldiers capabilities and crusading to Egypt with success will almost always net me a St. John's Hospitaller or Templar Guild, excellent for defending the Holy Land, especially when the place you take is usually a town and has no ability to build any cavalry units.When I can't decide, I default to a Merchant's guild. This increases my merchants number of stars and increases tradeable goods for that town as well as providing an ability to produce cavalry units in said town. I know they aren't great units, but it is nice to at least have the ability to sally out some mounted units to attack siege equipment when your town comes under siege.In summary, I find these and all the other guilds available to be wonderfully worthwhile, depending on your strategy. By making use of them correctly, your "immersion" in the game will be enhanced and your gaming experience will be richer! Cancer of the Head 


(id: say1988) posted 05 February 2007 21:35 EDT (US) 22 / 33 Quote:

Available to all:

Thieves: Boosts Spies

Build/use spies, build tavern buidings, governors Dread >4Theologians: Boosts Priests

Train preists, get cardinal elected pope, Denounce witches/heretics, build the church building line, Governor Piety is >5Merchants: Boosts Merchants, a Cavalry unit is available is avaiable (Merchant Cavalry Militia for england, [scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, poland, hungary?]; Arab Cavalry for Moors, [Egypt?]; Cavalry Militia for Byzantines, [Russians, Venetians, Milanese, Sicilians?]; and Sipahis for the Turks), increase in tradeable goods

Train Merchants, Accuire other merchant's assets, build economic ports, build markets, have higher incomesSwordsmiths: Boosts knights experiance, upgrades melee weapons [can be built in castles and towns]

Build armour upgrade buildings, build sword armed unitsHorsebreeders: boosts cavalry (experiance?)

Build cavalry, build stable buildingsExplorers: gives Generals movement bonus

Build military ports, have fleets >50, or >100 distance from capitolAlchemist: upgrades gunpowder

Buld gunpowder units, cannon building buildings, alchemist buildingsMasons: Makes some militia (other infantry, at least for the byzantines the byzantine infantry) units available (based on the militia regularily available to the faction), increases public orderLimited availability:Assassins (all Christians): boosts Assassins

Build assassins, and assassinate people, build tavern building line, governors Dread >4Hashashims (all muslims): Boosts Assassins, hashashims available (second level for this I believe)

Build assassins, and assassinate people, build Sisha building line, governors Dread >4Knights Templar (all Catholic, except Spain, Portugal, and HRE): Knights Templar are available [can be built in castles and towns]

Join Crusades, Train Knights TemplarKnights of St. Johns (all Catholic, except Spain, Potugal, amd HRE): Knights Hospitaler are available, increase to public order [can be built in castles and towns]

Join Crusades, declare war on muslim factions, being surrounded by Muslims (more than 50%), Governor's chivalry >4, train Knights HospitallerKnights of Santiago (Spain and Portugal): Knights of Satiago are available [can be built in castles and towns]

Join Crusades, Governor's chivalry >4, train Knights of SatiagoTuetonic Knights (HRE): Tuetonic Knights are available [can be built in castles and towns]

Join Crusades, Have lots of Pagan neighbours (more than 50%), train Tuetonic KnightsWoodsmens (England): Sherwood archers available, archer experiance boost [can only be built in castles]

Governor's chivalry >4, train archers, build archery buildings, build tavern building line Knights Templar and Knights of St. Johns I believe are mutually exclusive for construction in your empire (though it may be possible to get both by conquering).

All guilds ar buit only in Towns, unless otherwise noted (i.e Knights, Swordsmiths in both, Woodsmen in castles)That is all I have right now. If you have additions/corrections feel free to tell me. I would especially like confirmation or refutation of each of the factions in square brackets with the unit that the Merchants guild provides, I can't be bothered to check each. It is also possibly that some other guilds have effects that vary by faction, but I doubt it (other than Mason's guild).[This message has been edited by say1988 (edited 02-06-2007 @ 08:13 PM).] HammerFallKnight 

 Legionary posted 06 February 2007 15:19 EDT (US) 23 / 33 If i remember correct HRE can get knight`s Templar chapter house Cancer of the Head 


(id: say1988) posted 06 February 2007 19:37 EDT (US) 24 / 33 The only Knights guild in the browser is the Tuetonic Knights. They also don't appear to be able to buil them (from data files). CheddarCheese 

 Legionary posted 07 February 2007 02:00 EDT (US) 25 / 33 Quote:

This game is a bit of a puzzle. On your turn, you turn over an event card which will give you something good or something bad for the round. And, it tells you which way the guards will move (unless you are adjacent to guards and are exposed, then they always move to you). From this you must plot your path and risks for mission success, 100% sync and treasure. After assassins move, the guards reinforce (remember that nasty alarm) and move and attack.

To attack offensively in Land of Earth, an officer must first tag another guild's castle. There are two choices for this: either attacking a vulnerable castle, or attacking a castle with a war in progress. When an officer starts a war from a vulnerable castle, essence will be taken from that each of that guild's silos as an entry fee, in an amount dependent on the guild's level. A level 5-11 guild will use 400 essence from each silo, and will tag one specific tower, while a level 12-24 guild will use 3000 from each, and will not be asked to start in a specific tower.


Your list of Land of Earth enemy lands will only display a maximum of 4 tagged lands. If an officer tags another land while there are already 4 active wars, it won't ever show up on the list. If you still wish to engage in more than 4 battles, you should save the link of the enemy land that you're going to tag and give it to anyone who needs to access it. It can be done by right-clicking the "Enter" or "Attack!" button of the land in the list and choosing "Open in a new tab".

Before guild members can hit in any tower, an officer must hit an enemy in that gate (tag) to allow other guild members to hit that tower. For levels 5-11, one land is tagged, however it can still not be hit by others until an officer hits in that tower. Tagging a tower is marked with this symbol () which denotes that it is tagged. be457b7860

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