
Please see my ORCID, Google Scholar and Research Gate profiles for full publication list. 

PDFs upon request



             Hayward M, Meyer N, Balkenhol N, Beranek CT, Bugir CK, Bushell KV, Callen A, Dickman AJ, Griffin AS, Haswell PM, Howell LG, Jordan CA, Klop-Toker K, Moll RJ, Montgomery RA, Mudumba T, Osipova L, Périquet S, Reyna-Hurtado R, Ripple WJ, Sales LP, Weise FJ, Witt RR, Lindsey PA. (2022). Intergenerational inequity : stealing the joy and benefits of Nature from our children. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution .

              Meyer N. (2022) Book Review : Wildlife Management and Landscapes : Principles and Applications, William F.   Porter, Chad J. Parent, Rosemary A. Stewart, David M. Williams, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA. 360 pp., 74,95$ (Hardcover) ISBN: 978-1-4214-4019-4. Basic and Applied Ecology, 58.


              Knipler M, Dowton M, Clulow J, Meyer N, Mikac KM. (2022). Genome-wide SNPs detect fine-scale genetic structure in threatened populations of squirrel glider Petaurus norfolcensis. Conservation genetics, 23, 541–558.

              Calderón AP, Louvrier J, Planillo A, Araya-Gamboa D, Arroyo-Arce S, Barrantes-Nuñez M, Carazo-Salazar J, Corrales-Gutiérrez D, Doncaster CP, Foster R, Garcia MJ, Garcia-Anleu R, Harmsen B, Hernandez-Potosme S, Leonardo R, Mattey Trigueros D, McNab R, Meyer N, Moreno R, Salom-Pérez R, Sauma Rossi A, Thomson I, Thornton D, Urbina Y, Grimm V, Kramer-Schadt S. (2022). Occupancy models reveal potential of conservation prioritization for Central American jaguars. Animal Conservation, 25, 680-691.

      Forst J, Suriyamongkol T, Nielsen C, Carver A, Moreno R, Meyer N, Groninger J.( 2022). Large Felid and Peccary Habitat Use in Isolated and Contiguous Forest in Panamá: Implications for Conservation. Tropical Conservation Science, 15.

Dutta T, Sharma S, Meyer N, Larroque J, Balkenhol N. (2022). An overview of computational tools for preparing, constructing and using resistance surfaces in connectivity research. Landscape Ecology, 37, 2195–2224.


    Meyer N, Balkenhol N, Dutta T, Hofman M, Meyer J-Y, Ritchie E, Ailley C, Beranek C, Bugir C, Callen A, Clulow S, Cove M, Klop-Toker K, Lopez O, Mahony M, Scanlon R, Sharma S, Shute E, Upton R, Guibault E, Griffin A, Hernandez Perez E, Howell L, King J-P, Lenga D, ODonoghue P, Hayward M. 2020, ‘Beyond species counts for assessing, valuing, and conserving biodiversity: a response to Wallach et al. 2019’, Conservation Biology, 35, 369-372.              

            Meyer N, King JP, Mahony M, Clulow J, Beranek C, Reedman C, Balkenhol N, Hayward M. (2021). Large area used by squirrel gliders in an urban area, uncovered using GPS-telemetry. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 7147-7153. 

Meyer N, Brenes E, Dans A, Estrada N, Cabrera V, García M, Martínez W, Poot C, Rovero M, Reyna-Hurtado R,       Jordan C. (2021). Conservation and Ecology of the Baird’s tapir in Mesoamerica. Imperiled : The Encyclopedia of Conservation, 144-145. 

Meyer N, Klop-Toker K,  Cordeiro Pereira J. (2021). The pitfall of relying on global conservation status to  safeguard imperiled species locally. Imperiled : The Encyclopedia of Conservation, 511-518. 

            Hayward M, Vernes K, Ballard G, Budden M, Clulow J, Dooley E, Fleming PJS, Griffin A, Law B, Lees D, Meek PD, Meyer N, Tuckey K. (2021). Basing IUCN Red List status assessments on an absence of knowledge: the case of the parma wallaby Notomacropus (Macropus) parma (Macropodidae; Marsupialia). Imperiled : The Encyclopedia of Conservation, 324-329.


Meyer N, Moreno R, Reyna-Hurtado R, Signer J, Balkenhol N. (2020). Towards the restoration of the     Mesoamerican Biological Corridor for large mammals in Panama: comparing multi-species occupancy to movement models. Movement Ecology, 8

    Meyer N, Moreno R, Sutherland C, de la Torre JA, Esser H, Jordan CA, Olmos M, Ortega J, Reyna-Hurtado R, Valdes S, Jansen P.  (2020). Effectiveness of Panama as an intercontinental land bridge for large mammals’, Conservation Biology, 34, 207–219.

    Schank C, Arima E, Cove M, Brandt L, Brenes-Mora E, Carver A, Diaz-Pulido A, Estrada N, Foster R, Godínez-Gómez O, Harmsen B, Jordan CA, Keitt TH, Kelly M, Méndez J, Mendoza E, Meyer N, Montuy G, Naranjo E, Nielsen C, O’Farrill G, Reyna-Hurtado R, Rivero M, Sánchez JP, Singleton M, de la Torre JA, Wood​ M, Young​ K, ​Miller J. (2020). Population status, connectivity, and conservation action for the endangered Baird's tapir. Biological Conservation, 245, 108501.

    Thornton D, Reyna-Hurtado R, Perera-Romero L, Radachowsky J, Hidalgo-Mihart M, Garcia R, McNab R, Mcloughlin L, Foster R, Harmsen B, Moreira-Ramírez J, Diaz-Santos F, Jordan C, Salom-Pérez R, Meyer N, Castañeda F, Valle F, Santizo G, Amit R, Arroyo-Arce S, Thomson I, Moreno R, Schank C, Arroyo-Gerala P, Bárcenas H, Brenes-Mora E, Calderón A, Cove M, Gomez-Hoyos D, González-Maya J, Guy D, Jiménez G, Hofman M, Kays R, King T, Menjivar M, de la Maza J, León-Pérez R, Ramos V, Rivero M, Romo-Asunción S, Juárez-López R, de la Cruz A, de la Torre J, Towns V, Schipper J, Reyes H, Artavia A, Hernández-Perez E, Martínez W, Urquhart G, Quigley H, Pardo L, Sáenz J, Sanchez K, Polisar J. (2020). Precipitous decline of white-lipped peccary populations in Mesoamerica. Biological Conservation, 242, 108410.

    Callen A, Hayward M, Klop-Toker K, Allen B, Ballard G, Beranek C, Broekhuis F, Bugir C, Clarke R, Clulow J, Clulow S, Daltry J, Davies-Mostert H, Di Blanco Y, Dixon V, Fleming P, Howell L, Kerley G, Legge S, Lenga D, Majorq T, Montgomery R, Moseby K, Meyer N, Parker D, Périquet S, Read J, Scanlon R, Shuttleworth C, Tamessar C, Taylor W, Tuft K, Upton R, Valenzuela M, Witt R, Wüster W. (2020). Response to comments on “Compassionate Conservation deserves a morally serious rather than dismissive response - reply to Callen et al., 2020. Biological Conservation, 244, 108517.

    Callen A, Hayward M, Klop-Toker K, Allen B, Ballard G, Beranek C, Broekhuis F, Bugir C, Clarke R, Clulow J, Clulow S, Daltry J, Davies-Mostert H, Di Blanco Y, Dixon V, Fleming P, Howell L, Kerley G, Legge S, Lenga D, Majorq T, Montgomery R, Moseby K, Meyer N, Parker D, Périquet S, Read J, Scanlon R, Shuttleworth C, Tamessar C, Taylor W, Tuft K, Upton R, Valenzuela M, Witt R, Wüster W. (2020). Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 241,108365.

    Sanchez-Pinzon K, Reyna-Hurtado R, Meyer N. (2020). Moon light and the activity patterns of Baird’s tapir in the Calakmul region, Southern Mexico. Therya, 11, 137–142.


    Meyer N, Moreno R, Martínez-morales MA, Reyna-hurtado R. (2019). Spatial Ecology of a Large and Endangered Tropical Mammal: The White-Lipped Peccary in Dariéen, Panama. In: Reyna-Hurtado, R., Chapman, C. (eds) Movement Ecology of Neotropical Forest Mammals. Springer, Cham. 

    Hody A, Moreno R, Meyer N, Pacifici K, Kays R. (2019). Canid collision—expanding populations of coyotes (Canis latrans) and crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) meet up in Panama. Journal of Mammalogy, 100, 1819-1830. 

    Hayward M, Callen A, Allen B, Ballard G, Broekhuis F, Bugir C, Clarke R, Clulow J, Clulow S, Daltry J, Davies-Mostert H, Fleming P, Griffin A, Howell L, Kerley G, Klop-Toker K, Legge S, Major T, Meyer N, Montgomery R, Moseby K, Parker D, Périquet S, Read J, Scanlon R, Seeto R, Shuttleworth C, Somers MJ, Tamessar C, Tuft K, Upton R, Valenzuela-Molina M, Wayne A, Witt R, Wüster W. (2019). Deconstructing compassionate conservation. Conservation Biology, 33, 760–768.

    Reyna-Hurtado R, Sima-Pantí D, Andrade M, Padilla A, Retana-Guaiscon O, Sanchez-Pinzón K, Martinez W, Meyer N, Moreira-Ramírez JF, Carrillo-Reyna N, Rivero-Hernández CM, Macgregor I, Calme S, Arias Dominguez N. (2019). Tapir population patterns under the disappearance of free-standing water. THERYA, 10, 353– 358. 

Schank C, Cove M, Kelly M, Nielsen C, O’Farrill G, Meyer N, Jordan C, González-Maya J, Lizcano D, Moreno R, Dobbins M, Montalvo V, Díaz J, Pozo Montuy G, de La Torre AJ, Brenes-Mora E, Wood M, Gilbert J, Jetz W, Miller J. (2019). A Sensitivity Analysis of the Application of Integrated Species Distribution Models to Mobile Species: A Case Study with the Endangered Baird’s Tapir. Environmental Conservation, 46, 184–192


Bermudez S, Meyer N, Moreno R, Artavia A. (2018). Notas sobre Pecari tajacu (L., 1758) y Tayassu pecari (LINK, 1975) (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae) como hospederos de garrapatas duras (Acari: Ixodidae) en Panama. Tecnociencia, 20, 61-70.

Reuter A [..] Meyer N. […]. (2018). Jaguar hunting and trafficking in Mesoamerica. Recent observations. Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY.


Schank C, Cove M, Kelly M, Mendoza E, O’Farrill G, Reyna-Hurtado R, Meyer N, Jordan CA, González-Maya JF, Lizcano D, Moreno R, Dobbins M, Montalvo V, Sáenz-Bolaños C, Jimenez E, Estrada N, Cruz Díaz J, Saenz J, Spínola M, Carver A, Fort J, Nielsen C, Botello F, Pozo Montuy G, Rivero M, de la Torre JA, Brenes-Mora E, Godínez-Gómez O, Wood M, Gilbert J, Miller J. (2017). Using a novel model approach to assess the distribution and conservation status of the endangered Baird's tapir. Diversity and Distributions, 23, 1459–1471. 

Fort J, Nielsen CK, Carver AD, Moreno R, Meyer N. (2017). Factors influencing local attitudes and perceptions regarding jaguars Panthera onca and National Park conservation in Panama. Oryx, 52, 282– 291. 

Reyna-Hurtado R [..] Meyer N. […]. (2017). White-lipped Peccary in Mesoamerica: Status, Threats and Conservation. Suiform Soundings, 15, 31-35.


Moreno R, Valdes S, Artavia A, Young N, Ortega J, Brown E, Sanchez E, Meyer N. (2016). Conflicto entre felinos y humanos en Panama: avances en la resolución del conflicto, educación y conservación del jaguar. In Castaño- Uribe C, Lasso C, Hoogesteijn R, Díaz-Pulido R., Payan E. (eds.). Conflictos entre felinos y humanos en América Latina, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Bogotá D. C., Colombia.

Meyer N, Moreno R, Sanches E, Ortega J, Brown E,  Jansen P. (2016). An inventory of the ungulates assemblage in the protected areas of Panama. Therya, 7, 65–76.

Méndez-Carvajal P, Moreno R, Meyer N. (2016). Does Bradypus tridactylus Linnaeus (Pilosa : Bradypodidae) occur in Panamá ? Tecnociencia, 18, 35-44. 

Garcìa-Vettorazzi M, Jordan C, O’Farril G, Poot C, Meyer N,  Estrada N, Leonardo R, Naranjo E, Simons Á, Herrera A, Urgilés C, Schank C, Boshoff L, Ruiz-Galeano, M. (2016). Tapirus bairdii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T21471A45173340.


Meyer N, Esser H, Moreno R, van Langevelde F, Liefting Y, Ros Oller D, Vogels C, Carver A, Nielsen CK, Jansen P.  (2015). An assessment of the terrestrial mammal communities in forests of Central Panama, using camera-trap surveys’, Journal for Nature Conservation, 26, 28–35.

Meyer N, Moreno R, Valdes S, Méndez-Carvajal P, Brown E, Ortega J. (2015). New records of Bush dog in Panama. Canid Biology & Conservation, 18, 36-40. 

Moreno R, Meyer N, Olmos M, Hoogesteijn R, Hoogesteijn A. (2015).Causes of jaguar mortality in Panama - a long term survey using interviews. Cat News, 62, 39-42.


Schank C, Mendoza E, Garciá-Vettorazzi M, Cove M, Jordan C, O’Farrill G, Meyer N, et al. (2015). Integrating current range-wide occurrence data with species distribution models to map the potential distribution of Baird’s Tapir. Tapir Conservation, 24, 15-25. 


      Moreno R, Meyer N. (2014). Distribution and conservation status of the white-lipped peccary in Panama. Suiform Soundings, 13, 32-37.


       Meyer N, Moreno R, Jansen P. (2013). Distribution and conservation status of the Baird’s tapir in Panama. Tapir Conservation, 22, 10-13.