I love to live life to the fullest so that I may leave behind some good memories

Philosophy of life

I believe that existence is a notion perceived by our sense organs and conceived by our brain as an entity. To me, it is just like bubbles on the water surface of a wave that burst to vanish at any time. But life continues like the ocean with its eternal connection to everything. I should not be worried more about my end than how much I am concerned about my existence. After all, my birth was not my choice, and in that case, why should my death be?!


I am a workaholic. I find no meaning in my existence if I do not have anything challenging to work with. For me, nighttime is more creative than daytime, and I need a maximum of 4 to 5 hrs of sleep. The remaining time is mainly spent on either reading, designing or daydreaming.
I usually prefer to remain silent, listening to what others say and judging it on my egoistic weighing balance of prejudice. So when I make a decision, it is often black and white with no provision for compromise. This has given me the outfit of a brutal and unpredictable character, and people, especially subordinates and students often approach me with caution in fear of my response to what they say.
Of the topics I like to speak about, I talk endlessly. This is often about life, science and the universe, separating myself as an outsider looking at it. I do this about my own life, attitudes and behaviour and often share it with others in the form of jokes.
I have more often than not realised that my egoistic weighing balance is faulty and that I have to often correct my judgments and decisions. This has sometimes made me laugh at my stupidity. But that is my lifestyle!


In school, I always loved the world outside the classroom and have been a poor student in all grades except in subjects taught by teachers I loved. Why did I love them? One thing common is that they always had a smile on their face. You get angry with me, I go violent! When they teach, I may be tracking the shadow outside, desiring it to reach the point where the bell would ring to end the class. My desperate parents changed my schools, put me at different tuition centres and prayed all day and night, but nothing changed me much. Tears run my cheeks when I remember how much pain I had created for them.

I was very lucky that my science teacher, Sri K. M. Mathew of MGM High School, touched and triggered my curiosity to pursue scientific knowledge. He realised that I would not understand the meaning of anything unless I am able to realise it myself. I still remember the first lead acid battery that I built in the science lab and his hug when I could demonstrate it by lighting my cycle bulb! It made him my lifetime hero, and all my scientific work is dedicated to him.

If I look back, my entire academics was moulded by others, and unlike Edison, I must say that it was 99% influential and 1 % inspirational. I was influenced by my college teachers Prof. M. C. John, Prof. P. P. Thomas, Prof Jolly Kochamma, Prof. P. J. Joseph, Prof. M. T. Simon, Prof. Moncy V John, Prof. O. A. Cheriyan, Prof. K. Babu Joseph, Sri John Varughese (who presented me with a laptop when even desktop computers were not so common), Dr George Samuel, Prof. Ajit Kembhavi, Prof. Naresh Dadhich and the list is endless. Yes, what I am is mostly because of them.