Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics Education

University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

Chair: Allison W. McCulloch

Dissertation Title: Describing Critical Statistical Literacy Habits of Mind


M.Ed., Mathematics Education

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC


B.S., Mathematics with a Concentration in Statistics

Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC


B.S., Exceptional Student Education and Psychology

Minor in Religious Studies

University of Miami, Miami, FL


Externally Funded


Preparing To Teach Mathematics with Technology: Examining Student Practices [PTMT-ESP] Project 

Principal Investigator: Jennifer Lovett, PI: Allison McCulloch, PI: Charity Cayton, PI: Hollylynne Lee,

Graduate Research Assistant (2018-2023): Nina G. Bailey,

Investigator (2023-2024): Nina G. Bailey

NSF Funded ($1.8 Million)

This project aims to 1) create seven technology-based curricular units for undergraduate mathematics education students to examine secondary students’ mathematical practices, 2) implement and test the materials in undergraduate mathematics education courses, and 3) disseminate the curricular materials and research how undergraduate mathematics education students deepen their mathematical knowledge for teaching by engaging with the materials.

For this project I took on a variety of roles that included but were not limited to overseeing the duties of other graduate research assistants, collecting and blinding data, video editing, material piloting, weekly notetaking, collecting literature for research, designing templates, maintaining organizational structures in Google Drive, co-authoring practitioner articles and research articles, and helping prepare conference presentations. 


Workshop on Undergraduate Teaching with Mathematics and Statistics Action Technologies

Principal Investigator: Allison McCulloch, Co-PI: Jennifer Lovett,

Graduate Research Assistant: Nina G. Bailey

NSF Funded ($100,000)

This project is a multi-day virtual workshop for anyone that teaches a course (mathematics, statistics, or mathematics methods) that includes preservice secondary mathematics teachers. The purpose is to provide opportunities for course instructors who would like to learn about dynamic mathematics and statistics technologies that can be used in undergraduate courses for prospective secondary mathematics teachers (i.e., GeoGebra, Desmos, CODAP, Tuva, and Websketchpad). For this project I created a conference application in Qualtrics, co-developed a Google site for the workshop, managed application data, co-developed assessment materials, developed and presented a session on the statistical capabilities within Desmos, performed statistical analysis of survey results, and collaborated on dissemination of results.


Forging Dynamic Connections between Geometry and Functions

Principal Investigator: Karen Hollebrands, Co-PI: Allison McCulloch, Co-PI: Scott Steketee, Co-PI: Daniel Scherr, 

Graduate Research Assistant: Nina G. Bailey

NSF Funded ($299,986) 

This project aims to create and test five web-based mathematics units for pre-service teachers that promote a highly geometric approach, cultivating in teachers a robust conception of the secondary mathematics courses they will teach. My main role included testing and providing feedback on newly developed materials. 

Internally Funded



Note: *graduate student, **undergraduate student

Peer Reviewed Publications

Bailey, N. G., & McCulloch, A. W. (2023). Describing critical statistical literacy habits of mind. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 70, 101063.

Dick, L., McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., & Cayton, C. (2022). Preservice teacher noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in a technology-mediated learning environment. The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 29(3), 129142.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L. & Cayton, C. (2022). Using a framework to develop preservice teacher noticing of students’ mathematical thinking within technology-mediated learning. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 22(3).

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., & Cayton, C. (2021). Parameters, sliders, marbles slides, oh my! Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12, 114(5), 386394.

McCulloch, A. W., Leatham, K. R., Bailey, N. G., Cayton, C., Fye, K., & Lovett, J. N. (2021). Theoretically framing the pedagogy of learning to teach mathematics with technology. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 21(2), 325359.

McCulloch, A. W., Leatham, K. R., Lovett, J. N., Bailey, N. G., & Reed, S. D. (2021). How we are preparing secondary mathematics teachers to teach with technology: Findings from a nationwide survey. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 52(1), 94107.

Bailey, N. G, Reed, S., Fye, K., McCulloch, A. W., & Lovett, J. N. (2020). #WODB: The power of dynamic representations. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12, 113(10), 845850.

McCulloch, A. W., Bailey, N., Fye, K., & Scott, G. (2020). Creating a third-space for learning to design technology-based math tasks. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 9(1), 722.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021). AMTE's 2021 NTLI Fellowship: Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (pp. 1359-1368). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. ​​

Yalman Ozen, D., Bailey, N. G., Fletcher, S., Sanei, H. R., McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021). Preservice secondary teachers’ reasoning about static and dynamic representations of function. In D. Olanoff, K. Johnson, & S. M. Spitzer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 16391648). Philadelphia, PA.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C.  (2021). AMTE's 2021 NTLI Fellowship: Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (pp. 13591368). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Bailey, N., & McCulloch, A. W. (2019). Undergraduates’ expression of critical statistical literacy. In S. Otten, A. G. Candela, Z. de Araujo, C. Haines, & C. Munter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 375379). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri.

McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., Leatham, K. R., Bailey, N., & Reed, S. D. (2019). Preparing secondary mathematics teachers to teach with. technology: Findings from a nationwide survey. In S. Otten, A. G. Candela, Z. de Araujo, C. Haines, & C. Munter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 11261130). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri.

Bailey, N. G., Quinn, C. M., Reed, S. D., Wanner, C. A., McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., & Sherman, M. F. (2019). Calculus II students’ understanding of the univalence requirement of function. In A. Weinberg, D. Moore-Russo, H. Soto, & M. Wawro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, (pp.1826). Oklahoma City, OK: The Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America (SIGMAA) for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

Reed, S. D., Wanner, C.A. Bailey, N., Quinn, C., Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., & Sherman, M. F. (2018). Calculus II students’ definitions of function: Attention to correspondence. In T. E. Hodges, G. J. Roy, & A. M. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 12841285). Greenville, SC: University of South Carolina & Clemson University.

Peer Reviewed International and National Presentations

Jett, C. C., Bailey, N. G., Berry, B., Lee-Hassan, A. W. C.* Morrow-Leong, K., Waller, P., & Whipple, K. (2024, February 8). Awareness to action: Defending against attacks on queer people and discussions of racism in Schools [Conference presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Yalman-Ozen, D.*, Bailey, N. G., Cayton, C., & Muthitu, P.* (2023, October 28). Be there and be square: Completing the square [Conference Presentation]. Annual Meeting and Exposition National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Washington DC.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman-Ozen, D.*, Fletcher, S* (2023, October 26). Sliding into transformations of quadratics: Choosing the right activity [Conference Presentation]. Annual Meeting and Exposition National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Washington DC.

Bailey, N. G., & Rao, V. N. V. (2023, May 23-26). How to talk race + gender [Discussion facilitator]. United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Bailey, N. G. (2023, May 3). Describing preservice teachers’ enactment of critical statistical literacy habits of mind [Conference presentation]. Researchers of Statistics Education Conference.

Bailey, N. G. (2023, May 3). Describing preservice teachers’ enactment of critical statistical literacy habits of mind [Conference presentation]. Researchers of Statistics Education Conference.

Bailey, N., G. & McCulloch, A. W. (2023, February 2-4). Supporting preservice secondary mathematics teachers’ development and rehearsal of data talks [Conference presentation]. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Lovett, J. N., Cayton, C., Dick, L., Lee, H. S., Yalman Ozen, D., Fletcher, S., Bailey, N. G., Muthitu, P. K., Brown, A. (2023, February 2-4). Incorporating Video cases into secondary methods, content, and technology courses [Conference presentation]. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Bailey, N. G. (2022, November 17-20). Investigating critical statistical literacy habits of mind [Poster presentation]. 44th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN.

Yalman Ozen, D., & Bailey, N. G. (2022, November 17-20). Content knowledge and teacher noticing: The case of vertical asymptotes [Poster presentation]. 44th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN.

Yalman Ozen, D., & Bailey, N. G. (2022, November 17-20). Content knowledge and teacher noticing: The case of vertical asymptotes [Poster presentation]. 44th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN.

Bailey, N., Chávez, C., & Rao, V. N. V. (2022, May 23-26). Social Justice is more than just using critical contexts: A panel on embedding social justice into curricula [Breakout session]. Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics.

Bailey, N., & McCulloch, A. W. (2022, May 23-26). Novice vs. expert critical statistical literacy habits of mind [Breakout session]. Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics.

Cayton, C., McCulloch, A. W., Yalman Ozen, D., Bailey, N. G., Fletcher, S., & Sanei, H. (2022, February 9-12). Leveraging the five practices and teacher noticing in preparing secondary teachers to teach with technology [Conference presentation]. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Wieman, R., de Araujo, Z., Bailey, N. G., Morrow-Leong, K., Thanheiser, E., Waller, P., & Myers, M. (2022, February 9-12). Mentoring early career faculty of color [Conference presentation]. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Whipple, K., Koestler, C., Garner, B., Foster, J. K., Cordero-Siy, E. & Bailey, N. G. (2022, February 9-12). LGBTQ+ (micro)aggressions in mathematics teacher education [Conference presentation]. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Fye, K., Bailey, N. G., McCulloch, A. W., & Lovett, J. N. (2021, October 14-17). Preparing faculty to teach with technology: A focus on self-efficacy [Poster Session]. 2021 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. 43rd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.

Yalman Ozen, D., Bailey, N. G., Fletcher, S., Sanei, H. R., McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021, October 14-17). Preservice secondary teachers’ reasoning about static and dynamic representations of function [Conference presentation]. 43rd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Philadelphia, PA.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., & Fletcher, S. (2021, November). Too many options for teaching with technology? Pros and cons in the context of parameter exploration [Conference presentation]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2021 Fall Virtual Conference.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., & Fletcher, S. (2021, November). Too many options for teaching with technology? Pros and cons in the context of parameter exploration [Conference presentation]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2021 Fall Virtual Conference.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021, March). Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments [Conference presentation]. 2021 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Virtual Conference.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021, February 11-13 and 18-20). Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments [Conference presentation]. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., & Sanei, H. (2021, February 11-13 and 18-20). Learning to Teach Mathematics with Technology Through Engaging with Video Artifacts of Secondary Students’ Work [Conference presentation]. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Bailey, N., McCulloch, A. W., Leatham, K. R., Lovett, J. N., Cayton, C., Reed, S., & Fye, K. (2020, February 6-8). Theoretically Framing the Pedagogy of Learning to Teach Mathematics with Technology [Conference presentation]. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Phoenix, AZ.

McCulloch, A. W., Leatham, K. R., Lovett, J. N., Bailey, N., & Reed, S. (2020, February 6-8). Addressing the SPMTs: Critical conversations about preparing mathematics teachers to utilize technology in their instruction [Conference presentation]. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Phoenix, AZ.

Bailey, N., & Reed, S. (2020, January 15-18). Which one doesn't belong? Examining graphs with dynamic representations [Conference presentation]. 41st Annual Meeting of the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America and the 125th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Denver, CO.

Reed, S., & Bailey, N., (2020, January 15-18). Preparing to teach mathematic with technology: Examining student practices (PTMT-ESP) [Poster session]. 41st annual meeting of the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America and the 125th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Denver, CO.

Bailey, N., & McCulloch, A. W. (2019, November 14-17). Undergraduates' expression of critical statistical literacy [Conference presentation]. 41st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, St. Louis, MO.

McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., Leatham, K. R., Bailey, N., & Reed, S. (2019, November 14-17). Preparing Secondary Mathematics Teachers to Teach with Technology: Findings from a Nationwide Survey [Conference presentation]. 41st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, St. Louis, MO.

Bailey, N., & McCulloch, A. W. (2019, May 16-18). Developing undergraduates’ critical statistical literacy through the use of online discussion boards [Poster session]. United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Bailey, N., & McCulloch, A. W. (2019, May 16-18). Developing undergraduates’ critical statistical literacy through the use of online discussion boards [Poster session]. United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Bailey, N., Quinn, C., Reed, S., Wanner, S. C. A., McCulloch, A. W., Lovett, J. N., & Sherman, M. (2019, February 28-March 2). Calculus II Students’ Understanding of the Univalence Requirement of Function [Conference presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education: The Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America (SIGMAA) for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

McCulloch, A. W., Bailey, N., Fye, K., & Scott, G. (2019, February 7-9). University and school-based partners supporting future teachers’ learning to design technology-based mathematics tasks [Conference presentation]. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.

McCulloch, A. W., Bailey, N., Fye, K., & Scott, G. (2019, February 7-9). University and school-based partners supporting future teachers’ learning to design technology-based mathematics tasks [Conference presentation]. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.

Reed, S. D., Wanner, C. A. Bailey, N., Quinn, C., Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., & Sherman, M. F. (2018, November 15-18). Calculus II students’ definitions of function: Attention to correspondence [Poster session]. 40th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC.

 Invited Presentations

Billings, L., Bailey, N. G., Khursigara, A., & Tuininga, A.  (2024, March 20). Women in STEM Panel Discussion [Panel Discussion]. Montclair State University.

Lee-Hassan, A. W. C.*, Bailey, N. G., & Whipple, K. (2024, February 8). AMTE Advocacy Luncheon Panel [Conference panel]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Bailey, N. G. (2023, December 6). Making sense of students' mathematical thinking WITH technology [Seminar]. Colorado State University.

Jett, C. C., Bailey, N. G., Berry, B., Lee-Hassan, A. W. C.* Morrow-Leong, K., Waller, P., & Whipple, K. (2023, October 18). Navigating policies around mathematics teacher preparation: Conversations with the AMTE Advocacy Committee [Webinar]. Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Network Improvement Community-Cast.

Bailey, N. G. (2023, October 12). MI-AMTE Advocacy Panel [Webinar]. Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Billings, L., Adams, S., Bailey, N. G., Cui, Y., Herbert, K., Khursigara, A., Li, R., Panorkou, N., Providence, E., Sarkar, A., & Tuininga, A.  (2023, October 11). Women in STEM Panel Discussion [Panel Discussion]. Montclair State University.

Bailey, N. G., Lovett, J. N., Oriowo, L., & Register, J. (2023, October 4). How frameworks inform your dissertation and analysis [Presentation]. University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Bailey, N. G. (2023, April 4). Using a framework to develop preservice teacher noticing of students’ mathematical thinking within technology-mediated learning [Presentation]. Montclair State University.

Bailey, N. G. (2021, June 7-9 and 16-18). Exploring data with Desmos’ statistical functions [Workshop presentation]. Workshop on Undergraduate Teaching with Mathematics and Statistics Action Technologies.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L. & Cayton, C. (2021). Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments [Webinar]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L. & Cayton, C. (2021). Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments [Webinar]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Lee, H., Bailey, N. G., Lessig, K., & Bondurant, L. (2019). Implementing the foundations in teaching statistics and supporting inferential reasoning modules [Webinar]. The Enhancing Statistics Teacher Education with E-Modules (ESTEEM).

State/Local/Regional Presentations

Bailey, N. (2022, April 7). Exploring Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers Critical Statistical Literacy Habits of Mind Enactment [Poster session]. University of North Carolina Charlotte MDSK Faculty and Graduate Student Research Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bailey, N. (2022, March 25). Critical statistical literacy habits of mind: An instrumental multiple case study [Conference presentation]. Graduate Research Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Yalman Ozen, D., Bailey, N. G., McCulloch, A. W., Dick, L., Lovett, J. N., & Cayton, C. (2021, January 14-15). Using a framework to teach preservice mathematics teachers how to professionally notice within technology-mediated learning environments [Conference presentation]. 15th Annual Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference, Murfreesboro, TN.

Bailey, N. (2020, April). Exploring High School Students’ Reasoning about Graphical Representations of Data [Conference presentation]. University of North Carolina Charlotte MDSK Faculty and Graduate Student Research Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bailey, N. & Fye, K. (2019, November 7-8). Battle it out with WODB: NCCTM student affiliate chapter members share session [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.

Bailey, N. (2019, March). Developing undergraduates' critical statistical literacy through online discussion boards [Conference presentation]. University of North Carolina Charlotte MDSK Faculty and Graduate Student Research Symposium. Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bailey, N. (2019, March). Calculus II students’ definitions of function: Attention to Correspondence [Conference presentation]. Graduate Research Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bailey, N. (2018, November 1-2). Statistical sparring: Using media to elicit debate: NCCTM student affiliate chapter members share session [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.

University Faculty Professional Development

Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., Cayton, C., Lee, H., Dick, L., Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., Fletcher, S., Muthitu, P., & Fye, K. (2024, February 7). Preparing to teach mathematics with technology – examining student practices [Pre-Conference Workshop]. Orlando, FL.     

Lovett, J. N., McCulloch, A. W., Cayton, C., Lee, H., Dick, L., Bailey, N. G., Yalman Ozen, D., Fletcher, S., Muthitu, P., Fye, K., & Brown, A. (2023, February 1). Preparing to teach mathematics with technology – examining student practices [Pre-Conference Workshop]. New Orleans, LA.

Cifarelli, V. & Bailey, N. (2019, March). Development of mathematical knowledge for STEM [Presentation]. University of North Carolina Charlotte Faculty Professional Development Showcase. Charlotte, North Carolina.


Doctoral Students

Dissertation Chair


Dissertation Committee Member

Current Students:

Amy Daniel

Research Supervisor

Current Students:

Amy Daniel (2024)

Helene Leonard (2023-2024)

Mentoring Sessions

Current Students:

Demet Yalman Özen (Middle Tennessee State University)

Nicholas Gathings (University of North Carolina Charlotte) 

Masters Students


Undergraduate Students



University Teaching Experience


Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics

Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ


Adjunct Professor, Statistics

Department of Mathematics and Physics

Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC


Part-time Instructor

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC      


Adjunct Instructor, Statistics

Mathematics Department

Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC      


Teaching Assistant, Statistics 

Mathematics Department

Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC  

University Courses Taught

Montclair State University

MTHM 302

Mathematics in Elementary Schools II

MATH 106

Creative Thinking through Mathematics

University of North Carolina Charlotte

MAED 4103/

MAED 5104

Using Technology to Teach Secondary Mathematics

MAED 4252

Teaching Mathematics to Secondary School Learners

MATH 6108/

STAT 6108

Probability and Statistics for Secondary Mathematics Teachers 

Queens University of Charlotte

QLC 260

Statistics through the Lens of Race

QLC 260

Intro Statistics: Gender and Society

MAT 112

Quantitative Business Methods II

MAT 130

Intro to Statistics

MAT 131

Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences

Central Piedmont Community College

MAT 052

Statistical Methods I Support

MAT 071

Precalculus Algebra Support

MAT 152

Statistical Methods I

K-12 Teaching Experience


Visiting Teacher, Ethical Data Science and Research Methods

North Carolina School of Math and Science’s Summer Ventures in Math and Science

University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC


Teacher, Evolution of Mathematics and Research Methods 

North Carolina School of Math and Science’s Summer Ventures in Math and Science

University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC


Visiting Teacher, Statistics

North Carolina School of Math and Science’s Summer Ventures in Math and Science

University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC


Mathematics Teacher

Academy of Arts & Minds Charter High School, Coconut Grove, FL 


Special Education Director

Academy of Arts & Minds Charter High School, Coconut Grove, FL 

Other Teaching Experience


Mathematics Tutor

Mathematics Department

Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC


Director of Education

Sylvan Learning Center, Winston-Salem, NC


Teacher, all subjects and all grade levels

Sylvan Learning Center, Winston-Salem, NC


Teacher, all subjects and all grade levels

Sylvan Learning Center, Winston-Salem, NC


Instructor, all subjects and all grade levels

Mind Works Learning Center, Miami, FL


Teacher, all subjects and all grade levels

Sylvan Learning Center, Miami, FL


Honors: Invited National Service


Editorial Panel

CITE-Math Editorial Panel, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators


Conference Strand Leader

Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter Annual Conference, Equity and Justice Strand


Committee Member

Advocacy Committee, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 

National Service

Manuscript Reviewer


Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education


Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education


The Journal of Mathematical Behavior


Contemporary Issues in Technology Teacher Education (Mathematics)


Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12


The Journal of Educational Research


The New Educator Journal

Conference Proceedings and/or Proposal Reviewer


American Educational Research Association


Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference


North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics


Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter


Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education


19th Graduate Research Symposium, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Committee Lead


LGBTQIA+ Community Circle, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

University Service

Montclair State University

Mathematics Department Service


Communications and Outreach


Undergraduate Student Coordination

College Service


Task force to assess STAT 109 and online learning tools

University of North Carolina Charlotte


Served as a Mentor to new doctoral students

UNCC Graduate School Mentor Collective


Founded and served as Graduate Organizer

UNCC Graduate Student Mathematics Education Reading Group 



AMTE STaR Fellow

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators


AMTE Dissertation Award

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators


First Place for Oral Presentation in the Category of Education

21st Annual Graduate Research Symposium 


National Technology Leadership Initiative Fellowship

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators


Hayworth Center for Online Learning LMS Super User

Queens University of Charlotte 


Susan Gay Travel Scholarship

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 


PME-NA 2018 Registration Scholarship

North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education


Outstanding Research and Study in the 2012 Summer Research Fellowship

Winston-Salem State University 


Henry King Stanford Scholarship

University of Miami 


Target All Around Scholar

Target Stores