Jorge Larrosa Pedagogia Profana Pdf Download


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Jorge Larrosa Pedagogia Profana Pdf Download: A Review of a Provocative Book on Education

If you are looking for a book that challenges the conventional wisdom on education, you might want to check out Jorge Larrosa Pedagogia Profana Pdf Download. This book, written by Jorge Larrosa, a professor of education at the University of Barcelona, offers a radical critique of the dominant paradigms of pedagogy and proposes a new way of thinking about teaching and learning.

Pedagogia Profana, which means "profane pedagogy" in Spanish, is a collection of essays that explore the limits and possibilities of education in the contemporary world. Larrosa argues that education has become a form of domination, control, and normalization that stifles the creativity, diversity, and freedom of learners. He also criticizes the instrumentalization of education as a means to achieve economic, social, or political goals.

Instead of accepting these trends, Larrosa invites us to rethink education as a form of profanation, which he defines as "the act of returning something sacred to common use". He suggests that we should reclaim education as a space of encounter, dialogue, and experimentation, where learners can explore their own interests, passions, and desires. He also advocates for a pedagogy that is attentive to the singularity, complexity, and unpredictability of each educational situation.

Jorge Larrosa Pedagogia Profana Pdf Download is a book that will make you question your assumptions and challenge your perspectives on education. It is not an easy read, but it is a stimulating and inspiring one. If you are interested in downloading this book in PDF format, you can find it on Scribd[^1^] [^2^] [^3^], where you can also read other works by Jorge Larrosa.Here is a possible continuation of the article:

In this article, we will review some of the main ideas and arguments that Jorge Larrosa presents in his book Pedagogia Profana. We will also discuss some of the implications and challenges that his profane pedagogy poses for educators and learners in the 21st century.

The Critique of Pedagogy

One of the main themes that Larrosa develops in his book is the critique of pedagogy as a discourse and a practice that has colonized education. He traces the origins of pedagogy to the Enlightenment, when education became a project of rationalization, emancipation, and progress. He also analyzes how pedagogy has been influenced by different ideologies and movements, such as liberalism, socialism, fascism, feminism, multiculturalism, and postmodernism.

Larrosa argues that pedagogy has always been based on a series of assumptions and presuppositions that limit and constrain the educational experience. Some of these assumptions are:

The idea that education is a process of transmission and acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes.

The idea that education is a means to an end, whether it is personal development, social integration, economic productivity, or political participation.

The idea that education is a universal and homogeneous phenomenon that can be standardized, measured, and evaluated.

The idea that education is a rational and scientific activity that can be planned, controlled, and improved.

The idea that education is a moral and ethical duty that requires obedience, discipline, and responsibility.

Larrosa contends that these assumptions have turned education into a form of domination, control, and normalization that denies the diversity, complexity, and singularity of each educational situation. He also claims that these assumptions have reduced education to a technical and instrumental activity that ignores the aesthetic, emotional, and existential dimensions of learning. He concludes that pedagogy has become a form of violence that silences the voices and desires of learners.

The Proposal of Profanation

As an alternative to pedagogy, Larrosa proposes profanation as a new way of thinking about education. He borrows this concept from the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, who defines profanation as "the act of returning something sacred to common use". For Agamben, profanation is a form of resistance against the logic of capitalism and consumerism that transforms everything into commodities. By profaning something, we restore its original meaning and value.

Larrosa applies this concept to education and suggests that we should profane the sacred objects and practices that have been imposed by pedagogy. He identifies some of these objects and practices as:

The curriculum: the predetermined and standardized content that learners are expected to learn.

The method: the prescribed and regulated way that learners are expected to learn.

The evaluation: the systematic and objective way that learners are expected to demonstrate their learning.

The authority: the hierarchical and authoritarian relationship between teachers and learners.

The institution: the formal and bureaucratic organization that regulates and administers education.

Larrosa argues that we should profane these objects and practices by returning them to their original function: to facilitate the encounter between learners and their own interests, passions, and desires. He also advocates for a profane pedagogy that is attentive to the singularity, complexity, and unpredictability of each educational situation. He defines this pedagogy as:

"A pedagogy without presuppositions or guarantees; without methods or objectives; without contents or evaluations; without authorities or institutions; without certainties or truths; without morals or ethics; without norms or rules; without models or ideals; without projects or utopias; without hopes or promises; without expectations or demands; without obligations or responsibilities; without answers or solutions; without meanings or senses."

Larrosa acknowledges that this pedagogy is paradoxical and impossible. However, he believes that it is necessary to imagine it as a horizon of possibility for education in the 21st century. 66dfd1ed39

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