
Diana Pastoriza

About this e-portfolio

This E-Portfolio is done as part of the course on working with technology in blended, hybrid and online contexts. It was customized for EOI teachers and I attended as part of an Erasmus Plus KA104 project entitled SBLENDID ("Schools using Blended Learning to Engage iN Dialogue about Inter relating Didactics").

It includes a collection of different digital artefacts that are produced as part of the course as well as my own sketchnotes and reflections on the different tools, techniques and ideas that are presented on the course.

I normally use a blog, "Cartas de aula" to collect my professional reflections and another one "Palabras da man ao corazón" to share more personal readings and experiences. This E-portfolio will complement the first nicely, specially since I have neglected updating it as regularly as I would like to do.

Click to learn more about the project