Photobook "My Nonhuman Friends"

In 2020, the artist Nika Sandler lost a feline friend. This event prompted her to reflect on the cats that had surrounded her since birth.

In 2021, Nika self-published a photo book titled 'My Nonhuman Friends', in which she explores her relationship with cats and aims to move beyond the human perspective. The book showcases archival images of the artist's beloved feline companions, still lifes of their belongings, reenactments of memorable moments, and screenshots from action camera footage attached to the cats' collars.

With a total of 168 pages and dimensions of 15 by 20 cm, the hard cover features a claw from one of the artist's late cats. The number of printed copies is limited to the remaining claws.

A video introducing the photo book is available at the following link. The project for which it was created can be viewed by clicking here.

Furthermore, the e-book can be downloaded via the provided link.