Get Services of Marriage With a Christian & Nikahnama Attestation By Lawyer

Marriage with a Christian & Nikahnama Attestation:

Jamila Law Associates is the best law firm for Shia court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and nikahnama attestation in Pakistan from foreign affairs and other departments. Some people return from the west with a wife who belongs to a Christian community but does not profess the religion of Christianity being atheists after Shia court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and nikahnama attestation in Pakistan. Marriage with such a woman is not correct, some men who marry a Christian woman are so impressed by her that they lose all values of their religion. It is wajib for them to keep away from that, (Islah Inqilab, p-114) While the piety of the prospective son-in-law was verified in the olden days it is necessary nowadays to verify if he is a Muslim at all.

Condition of Marriage:

It is a condition to marry a Muslim woman that her husband should be a Muslim. Marriage of a Muslim woman 'With a disbeliever is not valid. Many boys are influenced by modern education and do not care about faith or religion. They are Muslims only in name. They utter words of disbelief with their tongue and do not care about it. Then one of them is chosen for a Muslim girl and the family members are happy that they have observed the sunnah method in Shia court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and nikahnama attestation in Pakistan. But the condition to observe the sunnah is faith which we do not know how many times he may have rejected! A pious girl was married to a western educated boy who bragged, "Muhammad was a great reformer and I admire him much. But prophet hood is a religious view. (We seek refuge in Allah from that). This is an expression of disbelief that nullifies the marriage. If the parents of the girl are told about it then they are prepared to fight for their son-in-law. (Huquq uz Zawjayn, P-485)


some people hand over their daughter to an irreligious man only because he is wealthy or belongs to a noble family of repute through Shia court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and nikahnama attestation in Pakistan. The man's outlook borders on disbelief. As a result, the Couple sins adultery all their life. Their children Would be bastards. Even if the man does not commit disbelief, they suffer spiritual punishment always even after Shia court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and nikahnama attestation in Pakistan. (Islah Inqilab, v-2 P-14)


The objective of marriage is love and friendship and religion play a greater role in promoting that than anything else. Indeed, all relationships terminate when only religious links remain even on the Day of Resurrection. There shall be no ties of kinship among them. (23:101) and their ties (of relationship) would be cut asunder. Out of affection between you in the life of this world; then on the Day of Resurrection you will deny one another and will curse one another. (29: 25) But, the religious relationship will not end even on that day. Friends on that day shall be foes to one another except those who are God-fearing. (43: 67) The reason is that religion creates fear of Allah. He who fears Allah will be mindful of the little things and will not even think of violating the rights of anyone even to a little extent. He will not hurt anyone, nor prefer himself over other people' who can be more civilized than such a one? Our lawyers in Lahore Pakistan will guide you the easy way for nikah Nama attestation.