
Hiring Frictions and the Promise of Online Job Portals: Evidence from India. [Paper] [Online Appendix

with A.N. Fernando and G. Tourek. American Economic Review: Insights, December 2023.

Summary: [SGB Evidence Fund Brief] [VoxDev article] 

Upping the Ante: The Equilibrium Effects of Unconditional Grants to Private Schools. [Paper] [Online Appendix]

with T. Andrabi, J. Das, A.I. Khwaja, and S. Ozyurt. American Economic Review, October 2020. 

Working Papers

Regulation by Reputation? Intermediaries, Labor Abuses, and International Migration. [Paper] 

with A.N. Fernando. Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics.

Summary: [VoxDev podcast]

The Grass is Not Always Greener: The Effects of Local Labor Market Information on Search and Employment. [Paper]   

with A.N. Fernando. 

Selected Works in Progress

Gender Dynamics in Entry into Competitive Careers: Evidence from Indian Civil Services.

with K. Mangal. Status: Draft in preparation. 

Public Sector Hiring and Labor Market Flows of Indian College Graduates.

Status: Analysis ongoing

Worker Collective Action and Public Service Delivery: Experimental Evidence from India.

with M.R. Sharan. Status: RCT in progress. 

The Effects of Workplace Organizing on Worker Welfare and Service Quality.

with S. Naidu, A. Reich, A. Sojourner, and P. Youngblood. Status: RCT in progress. 

Other Writing

VoxDevLit on Barriers to Search and Hiring in Urban Labour Markets. [Issue 1]

Senior Editors: S. Caria, K. Orkin; Co-editors: A. Andrew, R. Garlick, R. Heath, and N. Singh. February 2024. 

Note: This is a dynamic literature review. See more information here.

How Tightness and Job Search Activity Changed in the First Year of COVID-19: Evidence from an Indian Job Portal. [Policy Brief

with J. Bloesch and K. Mangal.