We currently have an Avycon system, but it is awful with what we need a camera system for in the first place. There is a vehicle we need to identify, and though it has good vision, the vehicle is a dark blue, nothing more.

@ComcastBecker Thanks for the info. We live in an apartment complex and the way I have the camera pointing should not have any lights coming on or shining into the photocell to have it being tricked. I will slightly adjust it just in case some reflection from the pool might be doing the trick. Once I have it adjusted how long would you say to keep it up before calling it defective and swapping it out?

Night Vision Camera

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I think the majority of customers understand the basic principles of reflected IR light, and because of that are asking for a way to turn off the IR LEDs. Now, without IR LEDs the night vision mode of the camera is useless, but not if you also mount IR floodlamps outside to provide the necessary IR illumination.

Hello without a screengrab of the issue it is hard to impossible to determine what could be happening. When you installed the cameras did you make sure to remove any protective plastic from the front of the lens?

Hi glad to have helped. You will always get some glare from say the room. Closing curtains or good external lighting helps. I get a little reflection of the camera itself but nothing too much. And the quality Id is fine. Try to get the lens close to the glass. The main one I have is a done one which pans so I sit it back a little from the glass surface.

I've recently installed new Google Nest Cameras.

They had been running perfectly, however I noticed night vision on 1 of the camera's had deteriorated significantly.

I toggled the night vision from auto, to on, to off and back to auto.

Its definitely on when its on auto, but its considerably poorer than a week ago (a lot darker).

The camera's are mounted and wired with the genuine Google cable, so they haven't moved or changed any other factors.

When looking at the 2x 'battery' camera's I have, the other one was working perfectly fine.

I noticed the firmware had changed on the one having issues "nq-user 1.67 OPENMASTER 361459"

Whereas the working camera was running 1.65 of the software.

I started chatting to support about this, they had me restart the camera this afternoon, which didn't change the issue unfortunatley.

I then noticed the working camera started showing the same symptoms, upon checking the Home app, it has now been updated to 1.67 aswell.

The same shot 24 hours apart has significantly poorer night vision and the only common denominator I've been able to come up with is the 1.67 firmware having issues.

Absolutely something changed with the recent update to the Nest Camera. Mine has the exact same issue, much lighter contrast during the daytime, and much darker at nighttime now. This started occurring upon receiving and rebooting with the most recent software update on the Google Nest Cam.

Can you get an update for us. This is really bad. Can't see any detail on porch pirate, casing cars, etc. In other thread, poster said support now claims the 1.67 upgrade did not cause this over-exposed huge loss of detail. It did! For doorbell battery cams and nest battery cams, I lost so much detail right at 1.67, with this amped-up brightness & messed up night vision. I have a cam low in driveway where you now can't even make out the full license plate a few feet away in great daylight. All the cams could be zoomed in to read plates a few car lengths away before 1.67, now like 1980s security cams.

I have the same issue. I thought I saw things or just forgot how bad the video was, but I looked at some older clips downloaded a few months ago, and they look miles better than now. I could recognize faces at night without night vision turned on because the video was bright enough. Now it's not only pitch black but also looks like it's stuck in 480p.

I have the same issue, used to be able to recognize faces at night but now night vision is a dark, grainy low res mess and daytime video is washed out with poor image detail. Wish we had the option to revert back to the previous software version.

I understand that this question may not be directed to you, but still - why doesn't the team simply roll back the firmware changes to the previous state? Currently, it seems that with the current update, the surveillance cameras no longer meet the quality standards and cannot be relied upon. I understand that Google is a huge and bureaucratic company, and all decisions are made very slowly and complicatedly, through numerous meetings and approvals. But is it really the case even when it comes to a simple firmware rollback? Let's make Google great again!

Also, note that Google rolled out a firmware update on these cameras around 10-11 months after they did the exact same thing with the Indoor Gen 2 camera. Exactly the same issues experienced, which then took 3 months before Google issued an update. I've never experienced such poor QA - even with all of my other Google/Nest/Pixel devices.

One thing that works for me, which I just randomly discovered and is manual, is to turn the camera off, wait a minute, and then then it back on. You can do this from either the home app or home.google.com (on the video preview there is a toggle in the bottom right, not through the live stream). I've found that once the image starts going dark that you can do this and it "refreshes" the brightness. It will stay like this until the next time night vision tries to kick in.

After the recent update on 6/6, there is a visible degradation of video and video feed is very washed out only on my new nest cam battery cameras. All my legacy cameras remain unaffected. Looks like others are having the same issue. Video feed shows the same on any of the devices (android or iOS)

Yep totally inept Google software engineers. We as consumers pay hard earned money these cameras are exoensive along with an expensive subscription and googie have taken us all for a ride with their ineptitude and inferior products. Google are absolutely pathetic. These cameras and associated home app never have been and never will be fit for purpose. If yourea prospective buyer take heed of this and buy another brand. If you've already purchased the cameras and are able to get a refund then return then get your refund and buy another brand.

I have been in contact with Nest support and they just won't admit it's their software update, I sent them videos and images showing the difference in HDR and night vision, colors are so washed out and you can't see that good with Night vision when it's on, these cameras used to be amazing but now feel like they are some cheap knock off I bought off of AliExpress of something, even 9to5Google tech site wrote about this and people are commenting the same thing and sharing photos of the before and after, please everyone, report this to Google, the more of us complain and say something the more they are going to see that it's not us, don't let them tell you to reset your cameras or uninstall and then install the Home app, it's not the app or the camera themselves, it's the software.

How do you officially report it? It is wild they are claiming it isn't 1.67, since they replied in other threads, here, saying that they were aware of the problem and thad teams already working on it. Posters showed very clear evidence of the issue happening right at the moment of the firmware update, camera by camera. That's what I saw, as well, with my multiple cameras updating a bit apart. I think employees working in homes with animated, color-changing led gamer lights, thought the cranked-up brightness looked cool on their huge gamer monitors. It does look kind of arty and aesthetic, like a maxed-out fake HDR effect on my phone - until you look for details that are now missing. License plates, car model badges, faces, logo on hat, identifying clothing details, etc. - all gone. I thought we had some weird-but-pretty sunlight, at first, but both my doorbell battery cams and nest battery cams have lost all detail with this blown-out brightness. In middle of nice day, can't even zoom in & read my own, high contrast, license plate that is only a few feet from a doorbell cam I have down low in drive. Used to be able to read plates a few car lengths back, now, 1.67 has made my multiple cameras pretty worthless for IDing thieves.

Yes I've had the same problem for the last 4 days with my outdoor nest camera,daytime it's to bright and washed out and night time even though it's set on auto night vision even that's to dark and washed out. This has started since the update, so frustrating. Please this needs to corrected ASAP

The quality of the night vision in new Spotlight Cam Battery is unacceptable. I have two cameras installed in the same spot - Spotlight Cam Battery and Ring Stick Up Cam Battery. The Stick Up camera shows bright b/w picture at night, while Spotlight Battery shows very dim picture, like the IR lights are not even functioning for it (I can see red dots on its face, though).

Is this something fixable via software, or I need to return the camera? The Spotlight Cam Mount seems to have good night vision, btw. I probably, will return the battery version (back to Amazon, will leave bad review for sure) and will get another Mount version.

Sorry to hear about this, @artyom17! Night vision should operate the same on all of our devices, although a low battery on a battery powered Camera might operate differently until fully charged. As long as the battery is fully charged, the night vision experience should be comparable for each Ring Camera. Of course, the voltage powered or plug in powered Cameras do have a colored night vision setting that might be worth checking, to see if this is why your low light image adjustment looks different on battery powered models. Also, a quick note that HDR automatically disables at night, which might explain why no difference is seen there. ff782bc1db

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