The first major currency issue in Nigeria was undertaken sequel to the colonialordinance of 1880 which introduced the Shillings and Pence as the legal tendercurrency in British West Africa. The units of coins managed by the Bank of Englandwere one shilling, one penny, 1/2 penny and 1/10 penny and were distributed by a private bank,the Bank for British West Africa till 1912.

On 1st July, 1959 the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) issued Nigerian currency banknotes,while the WACB-issued banknotes and coins were withdrawn. It was not until 1st July,1962 that the currency was changed to reflect the country&#8217s republican status.The banknotes which bore the inscription, &#8217FEDERATION OF NIGERIA&#8216, now had,&#8216FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA&#8217, inscribed at the top. The notes were again changed in 1968following the misuse of the currency banknotes during the civil war.

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Sequel to the decision by the government to change from the metric to decimal,the name of the Nigerian currency was changed in January, 1973. The major unit of currencywhich used to be &pound1 ceased to exist and the one naira which was equivalent to ten shillingsbecame the major unit, while the minor unit was called the kobo; hundred of which made one naira.

The central bank has said the revamped currency would help curb money laundering before the election, transform the West African nation into a cashless economy and fight inflation of over 21%, a 17-year high.

The cash shortages have made life even more difficult in Nigeria, where 63% of the population is poor, 33% is unemployed and as of 2021, only 45% of adults had a bank account, according to the World Bank. The crisis has added to the woes of surging inflation and a weakened currency.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is the sole issuer of legal tender money throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria.[3][4] It controls the volume of money supplied in the economy in order to ensure monetary and price stability. The Currency Operations Department of the CBN is in charge of currency management, through the designs, procurement, distribution and supply, processing, reissue and disposal or disintegration of bank notes and coins.[5]

The 2023 Nigerian currency crisis was precipitated in February 2023 by a shortage of naira cash currency and an attempt by the Nigerian government to force citizens to use a newly-created government-sponsored central bank digital currency. This led to extensive street protests in mid-February 2023.[6][7][8]

The naira was scheduled for redenomination in August 2008, although this was cancelled by then-President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua,[44] with 100 old naira to become 1 new naira. The Nigerian Central Bank stated that it would make the naira fully convertible against foreign currencies by 2009. Currently, the amount of foreign currency is regulated through weekly auctions, while the Central Bank sets the exchange rate. The naira appreciated against the dollar through 2007 due to high oil revenues. Also, the then-Bank Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo noted the weekly central bank auctions of foreign currency will gradually be phased out, and that the bank would "only intervene in the market as may be required to achieve defined policy objectives".[45]

Like coins or cash, the eNaira is a liability of the CBN. The eNaira usesthe same blockchain technology as Bitcoin or Ethereum and, like them, theeNaira is stored in digital wallets and can be used for paymenttransactions; and it can be transferred digitally and at virtually no costto anyone in the world with an eNaira wallet. There are, however, importantdifferences. First, the eNaira features stringent access right controls bythe central bank. Second, unlike these crypto-assets, the eNaira is not afinancial asset in itself but a digital form of a national currency anddraws its value from the physical naira, to which it is pegged at parity.

On 26 October 2022, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Mr Godwin Emefiele announced that the highest denominations of the Naira, the Nigerian currency, (N200, N500 and N1000 notes) would be redesigned, giving a deadline of 31 January 2023 for all old notes to be deposited in banks in exchange for new ones. According to the CBN, the new notes would help curb corruption and currency fraud, tackle the growing menace of kidnapping for ransom, lower inflation and address the problem of having too much money in circulation.

One of the leading opposition parties, the Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP), claimed that the currency redesign policy was in good faith and would have an equal impact on all candidates contesting the election. The PDP challenged the narrative that the ruling party would implement a policy to disproportionately favour other parties. Some Nigerians supporting the presidential candidate of the Labour Party have thrown their support behind the policy in the hope that it will reduce the chances of vote buying. Eventually, the President announced the extension of the deadline to 10th February 2023 and spared the #200 note, while confirming that the #500 & #1000 notes would be phased out of circulation as planned.

A monetary union with a single currency for the 15 member states would mean that governments would transfer national political authority to ECOWAS institutions. Are the member states willing to subordinate national interests to regional interests? Are there lessons from the eurozone? Will Nigeria ever give up its national currency, the naira?

In hindsight, it is easy to see the appeal. The illusion was that hard money and industrious economic development would go hand-in-hand right from the start. The Greek debt crisis served as a brutal warning that a currency union was no deterrent, though. It may be tempting to conclude the opposite, but then identifying the currency union as the major culprit is challenging too. The unsustainable build-up of debt at the heart of the crisis mirrored the dynamics experienced under floating currency regimes.

Under the circumstances, one may well ask what benefit a country like Nigeria or Ghana or the other members of ECOWAS derive through control over their own currencies? Or in the context of real-world complexities, maybe one should rather ask what benefit does the state and its proxies in West Africa derive, and what benefits do the people of the region derive? Inflation and currency manipulation have acted as a sovereign tax throughout history mostly for the benefit of the few. Exchange rate manipulation allows officials to serve specific interest groups but at least also in theory to hit specific economic development goals.

The euro lessons show that even with robust institutions and strong political commitment, sustaining a single currency remains a challenge. These challenges are likely to be much more difficult to surmount in West Africa where the pre-conditions for success, including strong political will and robust institutions, are evidently absent. Let us also be clear that the euro was never just about monetary policy and trade. It was shaped by a vision of a united Europe. And this does not appear to be an entirely fruitless effort, especially in the eyes of Europeans coming of age in the new millennium.

Further, consider the proposed Pan-African Payment and Settlement System to be launched by the African Export and Import Bank. This new digital platform will enable settlement of transactions between African countries in local currencies and reduce dependence on hard foreign currencies. The new platform to be designed in support of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement is expected to boost intra-area trade by making cross-border payments easier, cheaper and safer. Under the circumstances, one wonders why ECOWAS would, in parallel, embark on the politically complex pursuit of a single currency.

The currency is the naira (NGN). U.S. dollars are widely accepted. The economy of Nigeria is cash-based. Credit cards are accepted at some major hotels in Abuja and Lagos; however, you are strongly advised against the use of credit cards and debit cards, due to the high potential for fraud and other criminal activity. The exportation of naira is limited by law to certain amounts.tag_hash_107

Even though consumers can help to prevent foodborne disease incidence, the different sources from which microorganisms are able to transfer to food is not new. For instance, microbial contamination takes place during the various stages of food preparation. Another instance, fruits on trees and vegetables grown on the soil are naturally microbiologically contaminated. Some cells of such microbes could still remain even after washing (Okpala & Ezeonu, 2019). Besides foodstuffs as well as drinking water that could get contaminated, there remains a wide spectrum of microbial pathogens that can contaminate animals and food products, all of which are among the fundamental causes of foodborne disease incidence and spread (Okpala et al., in press). During the food handling processes within the agrofood supply chain, the contamination of currency notes can take place, particularly involving diverse flora and fauna, aerosols generated by coughing and sneezing, anal region, wounds, to the skin, water, and soil (Agarwal et al., 2015; Thiruvengadam et al., 2014). Currency notes, even before it would reach the bank and in the process of circulating and passing through hands during daily transactions, can equally transmit the pathogenic microbes (Awodi & Nock, 2001; Yakubu, Ehiowemwenguan & Inetianbor, 2014). Besides the large surface area of any given currency note, a number of pathogenic microorganisms, not only capable of surviving on these notes but also, can serve as useful candidates of foodborne pathogens (Michaels, 2002; Podhajny, 2004) and can increase the probability of foodborne disease incidence/spread. The latter can also serve as a useful indicator of poor environmental hygiene and sanitation levels, all of which remains of great public health importance (Cooper, 1999). 2351a5e196

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