NIE Conference & PhD Symposium

University of Leicester School of Business

8 & 9 June 2023


The University of Leicester School of Business is delighted to host a two-day research event comprising a PhD Symposium in Industrial Economics  (8 June) and the Network of Industrial Economists (NIE) Conference (9 June).

The PhD Symposium will consist of contributed paper presentations by PhD and very early career (e.g. postdoctoral) researchers. Further details including information on how to submit your paper can be found in the PhD Symposium tab.

The NIE Conference will feature invited presentations by leading researchers in the field. We are very grateful for the participation of our confirmed speakers (see NIE Conference tab). 

While it is possible to register for only one or other of these events, we encourage participants to consider attending both days wherever possible.

In order to register and for further details about travel to Leicester please visit the Registration & Venue Details tab. 

Important Dates

In case of any questions and to be added to the mailing list for these events, please don't hesitate to contact the local organizers (details below).