Workshop on Novel Input Devices and Interaction Techniques (NIDIT) 2019

Workshop on Emerging Novel Input Devices and Interaction Techniques. Workshop hosted by IEEE VR 2019. Osaka, Japan. (March 23-27, 2019).

Virtual reality has finally become a mainstream technology. Recent advances in commercial VR hardware have led to high-resolution, ergonomic, – and critically – low cost head-mounted displays. Advances in commercial input devices and interaction techniques have arguably not kept pace with advances in displays. For instance, most HMDs include a tracked input device: “wands” that are not dissimilar to the earliest examples of 3D controllers used in the VR systems of the 1980s. Interaction in commercial VR systems has similarly lagged; despite many advances in 3D interaction in the past three decades of VR research, interaction in commercial systems largely relies on classical techniques like the virtual hand, or ray-casting.

This half-day workshop will bring together researchers and industry practitioners to discuss and experience the future of input devices for VR, AR, and 3D User Interfaces, and help chart a course for the future of 3D interaction techniques. We invite authors to submit 4-6 page papers on any of the following topics:

  • Form factors and ergonomics of input devices

  • Hardware design and prototyping

  • Mapping of input to display degrees of freedom

  • Haptic/tactile feedback

  • Novel input devices

  • Repurposing of existing devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) in VR contexts

  • Tracked passive or custom props

  • Novel Interaction techniques supported by custom devices

  • User studies evaluating the above topics

  • Related but unlisted topics are also welcome. In addition to a presentation at the workshop, authors of all accepted submissions will be strongly encouraged to demonstrate their novel input device and interaction techniques in an interactive demo format following presentations.

Keynote Speaker:

Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Ph.D.

Title: Towards Better Devices and Interaction Techniques for 3D

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) user interfaces are popular in science fiction movies. Inspired by such visions, there are now many systems that enable people to interact with 3D content, including computer games as well as virtual and augmented reality systems. Building on reflections on the capabilities and limitations of both humans and technologies, I present current research outcomes for input devices and interaction techniques for 3D.

Program Schedule:

March 24th ( 08:15-10:15 & 10:30-12:00)

Opening Remarks: 8:15 to 8:20

Keynote 8:20 to 8:55 (30 minutes + 5 minute questions). Towards Better Devices and Interaction Techniques for 3D by Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Ph.D.

Paper Presentation Part I: 8:55 to 10:15 (8 minutes 2 minutes for questions -- per paper) .

7: Sylvia Rothe, Pascal Pothmann, Heiko Drewes and Heinrich Hussmann. Interaction Techniques for Cinematic Virtual Reality

10 : Anil Ufuk Batmaz and Wolfgang Stuerzlinger. Effects of 3D Rotational Jitter and Selection Methods on 3D Pointing Tasks

13: Ethan Luckett, Tykeyah Key, Nathan Newsome and J. Adam Jones. Metrics for the Evaluation of Tracking Systems for Virtual Environments

18: Rajiv Khadka and Amy Banić. Body-Prop Interaction: Augmented Open Discs and Egocentric Body-Based Interaction

15: Anja Groß, Michael Becher, Guido Reina, Thomas Ertl and Michael Krone. A User Interaction Design for Object Manipulation via Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality

17: Yongbin Sun, Alexandre Armengol-Urpi, Sai Nithin Reddy Kantareddy, Joshua Siegel and Sanjay Sarma. MagicHand: Interact with IoT Devices in Augmented Reality Environment

11: David Englmeier, Isabel Schönewald, Andreas Butz and Tobias Höllerer. Feel the Globe: Enhancing the Perception of Immersive Spherical Visualizations with Tangible Proxies

19: Ludwig Sidenmark, Nicolas Kiefer and Hans Gellersen. Subtitles in Interactive Virtual Reality: Using Gaze to Address Depth Conflicts

Break: 10:15 to 10:30

Presentation Part II: 10:30 to 11:10 (10 minutes paper)

9: Dimitar Valkov, Andreas Mantler and Lars Linsen. Haptic Prop: A Tangible Prop for Semi-passive Haptic Interaction

12: Francisco Ortega, Mathew Kress, Katherine Tarre, Adam Williams, Armando Barreto and Naphtali Rishe. Whole-Body Gesture Elicitation Study In Virtual Reality with Production Technique for Interaction Techniques

2: Nonnarit O-Larnnithipong, Neeranut Ratchatanantakit, Sudarat Tangnimitchok, Francisco Ortega and Armando Barreto. Hand Tracking Interface for Virtual Reality Interaction based on MARG sensors

16: Alexander Otte, Tim Menzner, Travis Gesslein, Philipp Gagel, Daniel Schneider and Jens Grubert. Towards Utilizing Touch-sensitive Physical Keyboards for Text Entry in Virtual Reality

Demos: 11:10 to 12:00

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: 30 January 2019

  • Notification: 5 February 2019

  • Camera-Ready: 15 February 2019

Submission Information:

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair:;conf=nidit2019.

Submissions must be anonymised and in PDF format, in the VGTC format:

All submissions will be reviewed by experts in the areas listed above. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for the workshop and at least one day of the IEEE VR 2019 conference. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to give a 10 minute at the workshop, and to give a demonstration of their research (In some cases, demonstrations may not be possible. For those cases, a video may be provided). Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Library. We will also host the papers in this site.


Robert J. Teather, Adalberto L. Simeone, Francisco R. Ortega

Contact: Please send any questions to Robert Teather ( or Francisco R. Ortega (