Nicotine Pouches UK

Buy nicotine pouches and nicopods in the UK


We are a small team of like minded people, who want to get away from tar filled, unhealthy and smelly cigarettes, but who still enjoy nicotine. We discovered that there are alternatives to cigarettes, and realised the benefits of nicotine pouches, and want to share this knowledge with other people who also want to move away from cigarettes. These benefits include:

1) You don't smell!! No more "it's like kissing an ashtray".

2) You don't breath in carcenogenic smoke. We're not saying that nicotine pouches are healthy, but research shows that they are a much healthier alternative.

3) You can use them anywhere. No designated smoking areas.

4) They are discreet

5) They are cheaper than cigarettes

and so on and so on...

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