The aim of the project is to develop models, with different layers of complexity, able to capture the basic physics behind motility-induced aggregation and communication in cellular aggregates. We will employ a cross-disciplinary approach which includes soft matter numerical modeling, statistical mechanics methods and experiments to some extent. The results of these studies will address fundamental problems in active matter physics, a paradigm of non-equilibrium physics, and provide a deeper understanding of essential mechanisms controlling bacteria communication and their life cycles inside biofilms.

Project funded by MUR PRIN-2022. Project N. 2022HNW5YL

Principal Investigator: Nicoletta Gnan

Research Units: CNR UOS "Sapienza", University of Bari, University of Camerino

Starting date: 30 December 2023 (2 years project)

2-years postdoc

The Institute of Complex Systems hosted at the Department of Physics of “Sapienza” University of Rome  is looking for a talented early-career postdoctoral researcher to work on an exciting project focusing on active matter modeling at the microscale.

Job description:

The project will focus on numerical simulations of models that capture fundamental physics behind motility-induced aggregation and communication in bacterial aggregates. The work will also include data analysis and system characterization using a wide range of complementary methods including theoretical tools such as field theoretical methods. 

Candidate’s requirements

To apply, please submit the following documents: 

Please send your application files to by 4 October 2023.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted after this date.