Nicolás Riquelme


I am Nicolás Riquelme, an Assistant Professor in the School of Business and Economics at Universidad de los Andes, Chile. I am also the Director of the Master in Economics. I obtained my  Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Rochester, NY, USA. 

My research interests include game theory, industrial organization, antitrust-regulation and political economy.

Email: nriquelme[at]

CV: Click here



"Information Exchange through Secret Vertical Contracts" (with Jihwan Do), Economic Theory

"International Cooperation, Information Transmission, and Delegation" (with Emiel Awad), Quarterly Journal of Political Science


Competition, Markets and Regulation (Graduate) 

Game Theory for Strategic Advantage (Graduate) 

Industrial Organization (Undergraduate)


Fondecyt Iniciación (2021-2024). Research project: "Auctions and Information Transmission".

Working Papers

"Vertical Contracting and Informational Spillover in Cournot Competition" (with Jihwan Do)

"Discretion to Encourage Effort for Different Information Technologies" (with Stefan Elbl)

"Post a Wage or Ask for Wage Bids?" (with Jose Valenzuela)

"Competing Auctions with Informed Sellers" (with Zizhen Ma)

"Common Agency with Informed Principals: Revelation Principle

"The Ineffectiveness of the Optimal Merger Regulation"


2024: SAET, Santiago, Chile; PET, Santiago, Chile.

2023: EARIE, Rome; Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory, NY; The ISDG Workshop, Naples; The Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon; Workshop on Industrial Organization & Economic Theory (TOI), Viña del Mar.

2022: Universidad de Chile; Universidad de Piura; UNSAAC (online); Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory, NY; International Conference on Public Economic Theory, Marseille; SIOE Conference, Toronto; The 20th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston; LACEA-LAMES, Lima. 

2021: SECHI, SAET (online); GAMES (online).

2020: PUC-Chile (online); U. Diego Portales (online); Quebec Political Economy Webinar Series (online).

2019: U. Andes; Georgia Tech; SECHI; LACEA-LAMES, Puebla.

2018: Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory, NY.

2017: Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory, NY; Midwest Economic Theory Conference, Dallas.

2016: Wallis Institute U. of Rochester; SECHI.