Research Interest

   Theoretical Astrophysics   

Galaxy formation and evolution

My main focus is to understand the accretion process on to high-redshift galaxies. In particular, I am investigating what the state-of-the-art cosmological simulations may miss due to their resolution limit, by performing idealized high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations using the code Athena++

Cold stream accretion

Brief illustration of the cold stream fate inside the circumgalactic medium (CGM) from recent MHD simulations with anisotropic thermal conduction (TC) (Ledos et al, 2023, submitted). 

Simulations movie on the cold stream stability and Lyman-alpha emission from recent work (Ledos et al, 2023, submitted). 

   Computational Fluid Dynamics   

In addition, I am interested in CFD and computational methods from theory to application sides. This encompass but is not limited to:

Detached Eddy Simulation of the Cranfield University jetstream-31 (using ANSYS-Fluent). [see paper]

Orszag-Tang vortex simulations using the in-house code developed and the modified Riemann solver.