Personal Informations

Personal stuff and jokes.



"Le fromage - le saut du lait vers l'immortalité", Cliff Fadiman.

"L'innonce est la cloche à fromage de la vertu", Jean-Louis Auguste Commerson (Not quite sure what that means, but it sounds good).

"Give me a good sharp knife and a good sharp cheese and I'm a happy man", George RR Martin

"Age is of no importance unless you're a cheese", Billie Burke.

I don't even know where to start. But I guess, I owe it to France to switch in French here.

Une abondance de beauté et de confort sous la forme d'une fondue, une Raclette, un Mont d'Or ou une Tartiflette, il en faut peu pour être heureux. Ces moments de partage et de bonheur intense peuvent définir une amitié, un amour et toute une vie. Je ne me lancerai pas dans l'exercice périlleux et ô-combien dangereux (dans un pays comme la France) de faire une liste de mes fromages préférés. Je ne ferai qu'en remercier quelques-uns de mes favoris pour le plaisir quotidien qu'ils m'apportent, dans un ordre parfaitement aléatoire.

Merci à vous, Reblochon, Comté, Beaufort, Roquefort, Morbier, Tomme de Savoie, Herve, Munster, Saint-Nectaire, Fourme d'Ambert, Ossau-iraty, Epoisses, Pont l'Eveque, Gruyere, Vacherin, Mont d'Or, Camembert, Brie, Crottin de Chavignol, et tant d'autres.


"Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer", Dave Barry

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer", Abraham Lincoln

As a good Belgian, I love my beers. Nothing can quite make up for a tough day than a savory Belgian beer with a friend. Among others, I'd like to pay tribute to the wonderful Chimay, Kwak, Duvel Tripel Hop, Westmalle (triple), Rochefort (8-10), Triple Karmeliet, Troubadour Magma, Christmas Bush and Orval.


Thanks to Pablo and Alicia from Frite'n'bleau. Despite not having been to its birthplace, I do love the Canadian Poutine.


Pink Floyd, Sigur Ros, Nils Frahm, Olafur Arnalds, Radiohead, Max Richter and Pierre Bachelet ("Elle est d'ailleurs").


Field Hockey

What a wonderful and magnificent sport! As a Belgian, I am extremely proud of recent results of our Red Lions (World champion, European champion and #1 on the FIH ranking). It is also an awesome sport to play, and i've loved my time at the Woldendael Hockey club (Allez les Ingés!) and Vancouver Hawks (Big up to my former fellow team players: my dear German Pr. Alex Bleck, Ross, Charlie, Cedric, Ian, Chad, Joost, Ed and the rest! Also the amazing Lisa, Emily, Sarah, Sandra, Rocio and all the rest!) .

Favourite team: KHC Dragons. Hope they'll win the prestigious EuroHockey League very soon!


Vancouver Canucks! Go Canucks, Go!

Roger Federer

Star Wars and Lord of the Rings

Card games - bridge and whist


Geology rocks! Picture taken in front of the Franz Josef glacier, NZL