Micro Macro Labor Economics Conference
FRB San Francisco, November 30, 2018, call for papers
West Coast Search and Matching Workshop at FRB San Francisco
FRB San Francisco, May 11, 2018
Annual Conference on Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy
FRB San Francisco, 2019. Call for papers coming soon
Micro Macro Labor Economics Conference
FRB San Francisco
Annual FRB San Francisco Conference on Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy
The purpose of the conference is to discuss macroeconomics research that is approximately at the working paper stage. The topics may involve related fields including finance, labor economics, applied microeconomics of the firm and household, public finance, and others, but with a preference toward topics that are relevant for monetary policy. Both empirical and theoretical submissions are encouraged.
West Coast Search and Matching Workshop at FRB San Francisco
Paris Conference on Goods Markets, the Macroeconomy and Policy
Sciences Po, Paris, May 15-16, 2014
The conference is to focus on research incorporating trading frictions in the goods market for the performance of the macroeconomy and the design of policy. Topics include, but are not limited to: equilibrium trade and prices in economies with goods market frictions; dynamics of aggregates in models with demand externalities; the design of optimal fiscal, monetary and labor market policy. Program.
Tepper - LAEF Advances in Macro - Finance Conferences:
This conference series initiated in 2010 aims to bring together researchers in finance and macroeconomics to discuss leading research at the intersect of both fields. To the extent possible, the organizers pair authors and discussants of different backgrounds (macroeconomics and finance), with senior academics discussing the work of junior colleagues. The conference organization is passed on the to youngest members of the faculty in macroeconomics and finance.
2010 Advances in Macro-Finance Program, Pittsburgh PA
2011 Advances in Macro-Finance Program, Pittsburgh, PA
2012 Advances in Macro-Finance Program, Santa Barbara, CA
2013 Advances in Macro-Finance Program, Pittsburgh, PA