Nicolas Bonneton
Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim
Curriculum Vitae, nicolas.bonneton[at]
Research. I am an applied economic theorist. Most of my research investigates the adverse effects of informational and search frictions in decentralized markets and institutions. My models shed some new lights on the intricate nature of individual strategies in various contexts, including corporate social responsibility, mate-matching, populism, nuclear warfare, and poverty.
Teaching. I teach a second-year Ph.D. course on markets, morality, and social responsibility. You can find the syllabus here. I also teach an undergraduate course on the theory of corporate finance, following the textbook by Jean Tirole.
Working Papers
Existence of A Non-Stationary Equilibrium in Search-and-Matching Models: TU and NTU
with C. Sandmann
R&R at Theoretical Economics
Advanced Work in Progress
Nuclear Brinkmanship and Insititution (Preliminary Version!)
Quality for Development
with E. Auriol and G. Balineau
This is a textbook, here is the table of contents