
"Every simple thought process adds something permanent and substantial to our soul." -  B. Riemann

(German original: Mit jedem einfachen Denkakt tritt etwas Bleibendes, Substantielles in unsere Seele ein.)

This page lists my publications and preprints. My Google Scholar profile is here.

Down below, you can also find a brief description of the problems, questions, observations, or conjectures that my works address. 

Selected papers:

General Audience Articles and Exposition about my work:

Submitted papers and papers under revision:

 The stars below reflect journal strength.

Complete list of published or accepted papers:

Here is a list of questions/problems/conjectures that these papers resolve:

Here is a list of obstructions or thresholds that these papers break through: 

Here is a list of substantial progress to resolving questions/empirical observations that were made: