
Lesson Plan

Question of the Day

  • What are waves in geography and how are they controlled?

Answer: Waves are formed by energy passing through water, resulting it to move in a circular motion. Wave height is affected by wind speed, wind duration (or how long the wind blows), and fetch, which is the distance over water that the wind blows in a single direction.

Learning Objective

  • Students will understand how how waves are formed

  • Students will also learn about our moon and how it controls our tides.

  • Students will understand how wind controls these winds.

Class Experiment

Oil in the Bottle

  • Fill the plastic bottle half way up with oil.

  • In a separate jug, add a small amount of blue food colouring to water to create a light blue colour. This then needs to be added to the oil. ...

  • Slowly tip the bottle from side to side to see what happens. You should be able to make waves!



