
Lasson Plan

Question of the Day

  • What are fossils and how do they stay intact for millions of years?

Answer: Fossils are the preserved remains of plants and animals whose bodies were buried in sediments, such as sand and mud, under ancient seas, lakes and rivers. These bones were saved because they were buried quickly after they died.

Learning Objectives

  • The students will also learn how fossils can be preserved.

  • Students will understand that fossils are the preserved remains of an animal, such as the animal's bones, or impressions of the animal's activities, such as footprints. Even poop can be considered a fossil. It's important to remember that plants can be fossils too!

Class Experiments

  • Gummy Worm Visual

  1. Place several gummies on a piece of bread.

  2. Now cover these gummies with another piece of bread and add another layer of gummies.

  3. Repeat this until you reach your last piece of bread. This will be the top of your stack.

  4. Next, wrap the entire stack with saran wrap.

5. Now balance several heavy books on top of the stack.


Fossil Notes



Answer Key:

  1. Imprint

  2. Cast

  3. Paleontologist

  4. Extinct

  5. Mold

  6. Fossils

  7. Amber

  8. Organism