Journal Editorship:

Community Outreach Activities

Reaching out to the Southern Illinois high school students through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming.

This is an annually science projects completions for approximately 400 students from the southern Illinois, hosting by SIU’s College of Science.  I have been serving in this fair as a volunteer judge.

The Department of Computer Science at Southern Illinois University Carbondale holds an annual Computer Science Day (CS Day) in the Spring semester of every year for high school students. I have been offering multiple workshops on ethical hacking, developing Android applications, and web development.

The School of Information System Technologies at Southern Illinois University Carbondale holds an annual Cybersecurity Day in the Fall semester of every year for the community. 

The program aimed to increase elementary and middle school teachers' mathematics and science content and teaching knowledge. As a member of this project, I was leading workshops for our region’s teachers and teach them how you utilize HTML, CSS and Adobe Flash. Teachers utilize these techniques to enhance learning experience in their classrooms.