COR™ Certification

COR Certification

The Certificate of Recognition (COR™) is a nationally trademarked and endorsed Safety Management System for the construction sector. It provides employers with an effective tool to assess their health and safety management system.

COR™ is aimed at driving positive workplace behaviour and practices that lead to improved performance. It is currently being used across Canada and is a pre-qualification requirement for many contractors working in and out of the province and on public- and private-sector projects.

The COR™ program began in Alberta more than 20 years ago. While the bulk of COR™ firms are in construction, the standard is used by major business sectors in Alberta and British Columbia.

The IHSA is the ‘Authority having Jurisdiction’ to grant COR™ in the province of Ontario. In achieving this national safety program accreditation in Ontario, IHSA is responsible to ensure that the COR™ standards are upheld. With one common audit instrument utilized across Canada, the national standard is clear: Minimum 65% in each element and an overall audit score of 80%.