New Orders voice acting is superb on almost every level. Blazkowicz, Wyatt and Fergus all have incredible performances that really make their characters explode in personality and I've enjoyed listening to all of their serious discussions and sometimes funny/sometimes cringey jokes a lot. But what I found myself doing even more than listening to the main cast, is listening to the background dialogue of the Nazis that they have during cutscenes AND gameplay. I was not aware that the germans in the international version also speak german and not even the terribly acted broken english german that most american made games use a lot. They actually hired an all star german and austrian cast for this game and it is absolutely glorious! The banter between the Nazi soldiers during stealth sections is so well written and acted that I often just stopped and listened to their discussions for several minutes. Regardless if they were talking about the current state of the world, how the germans won and were now ruling over the world, to more simpler things like one soldier telling a story about a concert he went to of a famous band. Even small things like the callouts they make when an enemy spots you, is going for a flank or simply calling reinforcements are beautifully acted and make the world really feel alive and believeable. I mean you wouldn't have german soliders shouting "Enemy spotted!" in english during WW2, right? Especially since the game establishes that the english language as a whole is a dying tongue and will be obsolete very soon. And the game goes even further than that, by encorporating other german dialects like bavarian or austrian ones that even give the enemy more personality as well! Hearing my dialect that I speak in real life being spoken in New Order gave me a gigantic smile on my face and my appreciation for the devs trying to make this as believeable as possible has only grown larger since then.

However, while this approach to voice acting is very good in most cases, I do understand why it isn't done more often. When you go for voice acting characters in other languages that aren't english, chances are that the players who only know english can't understand what is being said, which makes it harder to follow along with the story. Even when subtitles are enabled, certain languages have such different sentence structure that sometimes the subtitles end too fast, again causing the problem of not getting the full dialogue.

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In many ways Sniper Elite 5 is Sniper Elite 4 with a few new features and a fresh coat of paint, and I'm happy that this is the case. Except for the kill cam novelty having entirely worn off at this point, most of the gameplay still feels fresh. Sneaking around and lining up shots are equally rewarding, and the large, open levels give you plenty of freedom to tackle each objective in the way that you want. Sniper Elite 5 provides players with the necessary tools to feel like an elite sniper who's using superior tactics and stealth to take down a bunch of Nazis, and the game has certainly hit the bull's-eye.

There are special german versions of Wolfenstein and The Old Blood because of the swastikas. It is a forbidden symbol. Of course Zenimax or Bethesda screwed it up by not only removing the swastikas but also any references to Nazis even though that is not forbidden and making it in german language only. So, no english language. They could have just replaced the swastikas with any other symbol and saved a lot of money.

HA is a prestige zone you get rare drops from end chest but you have to work for them. Also no other rank besides zaishen actually gives u a emote. There is a reason it is hard to get into because only the dedicated get far. Now the bitter are going to say "those no lifes" but it is the only way to prove your actually good at it. If you want to get into HA wait for the double HA weekends and go with short spike teams like Mathway, ride the Lightning Spike, and Lich way. It helps if you have ventilo too. With these you can get rank 3 from that point on you will be able to integrate into the more elite teams like i-way and eventually the most durable for holding halls- balanced. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User:The Emmisary (talk).

Ana is a mid to long-range Support sniper, capable of healing at any range while also maintaining a fair level of damage output. Her Biotic Grenade lets her amplify healing effects from not only her own healing darts, but also from other Supports and environmental healing, such as Payloads and Health packs. She has a sidearm which will fire a Sleep Dart, which can render the enemy who's hit with it temporarily useless unless someone wakes them up. Nano Boost is a supportive ultimate that is used to provide strong buffs to an ally, allowing them to deal more damage while taking less damage from the enemy. She can also be an anti-healer, as her Biotic Grenade will prevent enemies hit by the blast from getting healed in any way, making her an outstanding support. Ana lacks any means of advanced mobility and only has her sidearm to protect herself, making it easy for her to be outflanked by flankers as well as other mobile heroes.

As the Omnic Crisis inflicted a heavy toll on Egypt, the country's depleted and undermanned security forces relied on elite snipers for support. Among them was Ana Amari, who was widely considered to be the world's best. Her superior marksmanship, decision-making, and instincts made her a natural selection to join the Overwatch strike team,[2] of which she was one of the founding members.[13] During the conflict, she was present in the battle at Rio de Janeiro.[11] Overwatch successfully ended the war.[8]

Finally, Koivunen spotted campfires in the distance. He was so overjoyed to have found his patrol that he charged forward, forgetting that he was standing on the edge of a small cliff. After regaining consciousness, he picked himself up and skied frantically toward the camp. As he got closer, he noticed that it was too big to be his patrol, but decided it must be some Germans instead. It was only as he started shooting down the final hill that he noticed the Red Army uniforms and realized he was heading for the same group of elite Soviet skiers who had been hunting his patrol in the first place.

Fighting through the Swarm Hive on the island, Delta reached the silo, but when their bot Dave tried to launch the rocket, the silo doors would only partially open. Though Baird urged the squad to run as the rocket was going to explode upon takeoff, JD decided to risk his life to hit a manual override against the wishes of his squad and much to Marcus' anger and frustration. JD succeeded in opening the hatch and Marcus quickly closed the blast doors before takeoff. The mission a success, Delta was extracted by Samantha Byrne.[50] 589ccfa754

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