Qui Docet Discit

ANL501 Data Visualisation and Storytelling focuses on the Grammar of Graphics as the guiding principles for data storytelling. Students in this course will become competent (with practice!) in using R (particularly ggplots) to construct various data visualisations. 

My course is based on Kieran Healy's Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction (a wonderful read!). If you like to learn more about the course, my seminar notes are below (you need to download them first before opening).

Seminar 1: Fundamental R Programming

Seminar 2: Data Management in R and the Principles of Data Storytelling

Seminar 3: Introduction to ggplots

Seminar 4: Barcharts, Histograms, Time Series Plots, and More Tidyverse for Data Wrangling

Seminar 5: Table Plots, Annotation, Choropleth Maps and Spatial Plots 

Seminar 6: Storyboarding and Further Topics