I’m a mathematician working in the field of (mathematical) logic, with a focus on proof theory. In particular, I am interested in Gödel's functional interpretation and its applications in the proof mining program. In the past, I have also been interested in modal logics (especially justification logics), many-valued logics and intermediate logics (especially Gödel logics) and the resulting combination thereof as well as structural proof theory (especially hypersequent calculi and cut-elimination).
I am a member of the Logic Group within the Department of Mathematics at TU Darmstadt. I obtained my PhD (Dr.rer.nat.) from the same department with a thesis written under the supervision of Ulrich Kohlenbach.
Means of contact and profiles:
Email: pischkenicholas [at] gmail [dot] com / pischke [at] mathematik [dot] tu-darmstadt [dot] de
ORCID: 0000-0003-1243-6787
Things of Interest:
Picture Credit: Oberwolfach Photo Collection