The Ni Lab

Nano-optics for Low-dimensional Quantum Materials

Welcome to Guangxin Ni lab at Florida State University & National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. The Ni lab uses nano-optics to explore the new phase of matter in low-dimensional quantum materials. We are particularly interested in the programmable two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdWs) heterostructures, where novel quantum states could be identified and investigated using nano-light excitations.

We utilize the near-field experimental approach to study the light-matter interactions at the nanometer length scales. We are also developing new measurement techniques necessary for detecting surface polaritonic waves, energy flow, chiral states in quantum materials at extreme conditions.

We are recruiting!

There are open positions available at all levels (postdoc, graduate, undergradaute, or visiting student). If you are interested about our research, please do not hesitate to contact Guangxin at or

One prestigious postdoc fellowship position is currently available, please do not hesitate to contact Guangxin for details.