
Thank you for being a sponsor of the Newberry High School Fall Festival Days! Here are just a few guidelines to help everything run smoothly!

  1. Check in will begin 2 hours before the game is set to begin. People tend to arrive early so please be set up before our visitors begin to walk around.

  2. You are expected to be out of your booth 30 minutes after the game has ended.

  3. You will be allowed to park inside the fenced football area. Please do not block in any ambulances, police vehicles, or buses from visiting teams.

  4. No weapons of any kind are permitted on school grounds.

  5. Newberry High School/School District and its properties are smoke and drug free facilities. This includes outdoor events.

  6. No power will be provided. Please bring back up batteries or generators for any devices that require them.

  7. You will provide your own tables/tents/chairs/ground covering/etc.