Help and Support

Use this page to sign up for help sessions,  decide on a topic, find resources to create and research your project, see sample projects and view rules/rubrics for the contest.

NEW for 2024! NHD California Webinar Series
NHDCA is offering a free, multi-part webinar series to introduce  research, analysis, and historical thinking skills to students and share tips on how to research and develop History Day projects. 


Help Sessions
NHD-SD offers multiple on-demand thematic Zoom training sessions. Visit the page to see descriptions.

Topic Ideas
Need help getting started on a topic? Visit the Topic Ideas page to get ideas from NHDSD, NHDCA and others.

General Resources
Both the NHD California and NHD websites offer a wealth of resources to help you succeed with NHD. A few items are highlighted below but make sure to explore their sites more fully.

NHD Student Resources
Three video-related resources - Quick Tips, Quick Digital Research Tips and NEH Ask an Expert - are great places to get started.  The Quick Tips are just that - short videos on topics like What is a Process Paper, What is Student Voice, etc.  This page also has an extensive list of Helpful Research Links.

NHD-CA Students
Highlights include their Student Research Guide and US History Topic List (Google Sheets) describing over 150 possible topics with links to potential research sources. 

Digital Classroom Resources (NHD; PDF)
While this document was created for teachers, it has tons of links to videos, online resources, archives that can be used for research.

Rules and Tools
2023 Theme Book (pdf)
2023 Theme Narrative  (pdf)
Current NHDCA Rulebook (pdf)
All categories except podcasts and posters
Current NHDCA Rulebook for Posters and Podcasts
2023 NHD-CA Graphic Organizer
NHD-CA 2022 Rubrics

Sample Projects
See sample projects from San Diego, California, and National contests.